General anyone done a guide on "how to remove seats"

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General anyone done a guide on "how to remove seats"


New member
Apr 3, 2009
has anyone done a picturial how to on removing the seats (front and back) i looked in the guides couldnt see one... there was one on dismantling the door tho.
Well i had all the seats out of my car just over month ago,

Four bolts for each front seat and two plugs underneath.T40 for these.

Rear seat bottom, four bolts, rear seat backs four bolts, T45 for these.

By bolts i mean torx bits.

But have read somewhere you need to allow the seats sometime to settle before removing, Something todo with the airbags maybe?????????
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i'd say disconnect your battery an hour before you touch airbags.. (residual charge should dissipate in 30 min or so but better safe than airbag in your face/side/chest.. expensive they are)
Ah ha so that was it:eek:, well i will try to remember that next time, DISCONNECT battery before you start.:D:D:D
do rear seats have airbags? if i was just changing rear seats would i need to disconect battery?
cool, i may do the swap over in 2 halves with it raining on and off. so may do the back seats 1st when door cards then front seats..

not to confident on taking door cards off thogh 2bh i only really need to change the leather part of the card.
if side airbags in rear seats; need to disconnect the battery


(y) Haha.

So. If there are airbags originally - you must get a set with airbags... to prevent a continous ding-ding-ding until you go mental.

It's easy to see. The seats have cloth tags that say "airbag" and there are connectors near the rear doors - at the sides of the seat cushion.
my front seats have a black tag (label) with OCR (i think) written in white. but the rear seats dont have that tag...

however... what if the new seats have airbags and the old ones didnt???
im in the middle of mine at the moment but for the live of me cant disconnect the window switch can someone help..
i have all the seats and armest changed and the rear door card off and the handle wire disconnected but i cant get the plug off the window switch to put the new door card on and i dont wanna force it and break the plastic..
can someone tell me how it comes off
you put a flat head screwdriver between the armrest and the bit with the switch and it just pops up the the wire just clips (slides) out mate, i used to disconnect them all the time to stop drunken mates shouting abuse at passers by out the window, lol