Technical Anybody know how to remove the washer pump on a classis Fiat 500?

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Technical Anybody know how to remove the washer pump on a classis Fiat 500?


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Apr 17, 2023
Hi All!

Anybody know how to remove the windscreen washer pump on a classic Fiat 500?

Would very much appreciate some help.

Kind REgards,

Do you mean the metal piece that holds the rubber button in place? That seems like a stretch to call it a pump.

If I recall correctly...
On a 500L, you need to remove the knee pad to get access to the bolts that hold it in place.
Once that's done, and in earlier models, you just remove the bolts that hold it in place under the dashboard.
As Rusty500 says, the fixings are behind the knee pad. Worth noting is the knee pad screws are accessed via the bulkhead behind the fuel tank, and they are inevitably rusted up! The previous owner of mine gave up, cut the rubber plunger off and cable tied the new one to the original bracket!
Do you mean the metal piece that holds the rubber button in place? That seems like a stretch to call it a pump.

If I recall correctly...
On a 500L, you need to remove the knee pad to get access to the bolts that hold it in place.
Once that's done, and in earlier models, you just remove the bolts that hold it in place under the dashboard.
Indeed I do! Next to remove the knee pad..??
Kind regards,
Thanks to you guys for your help ..very useful...took a look into the bulkhead behind the petrol tank but could only spot one small bolt...will check again. Perhaps a Stanley knife or Dremel to remove the trim that covers the bolts?? Not a purist..perhaps butcher!
For mine, the bolts are attached to the kneepad and you need to remove the 3 nuts, located at the 3 locations below. After that, it's pretty straight forward to remove the washer pump. Such an odd mounting location!



Yes, very easy to get at those bolts if the gas tank is already removed!

I admit to driving for 5+ years with the "pump" dangling from the two rubber tubes it attaches to. I would periodically try to tuck the metal tab under the knee pad to get it to stay in place, but it never stayed. Sold that car before I ever got around to attaching it properly!