General Another strange noise thread

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General Another strange noise thread

Sep 3, 2007
Our 06 jtd multijet has started making a scuffing noise when turning left and braking.The noise seems to be coming from the front wheel on the passengers side.I think it only does it when turning left but not when turning right.The car has done 22000 miles and the last service the brake pads had 40% remaining (7000 miles ago) but the pad wear light has not came on and it seems strange it only does it when turning left.I rang two fiat dealers today both Desira Norwich.One wants £81 to look at it even though it is still within the three years warrenty and the other will look free(both the same company):rolleyes:Any ideas welcome.Many Thanks Simon
Assuming that there is absolutely nothing catching, i.e. ABS or Brake pad sensor wires, I would look at a possible CV joint.
Thanks there is nothing catching as far as I can see but would the cv joint pack up at 22000 and I wonder if it is covered under warranty:confused:
The first thing I would do is check those brake pads out. Simply because the brake pad level warning lights usually come on well before the brake pads are worn out and if yours were down to 40% 7k ago they are bound to be very low now (If they were at 40% at 15k they will by mathematical reasoning be at 12% at 22k) that light should have been on by now.
Previous cars ive had have had the warnings on with little less than 50% on the pads.

Check them out first (its a 2 minute job) then you can eliminate them and look for the next likely cause.

For what its worth a scuffing noise is not something i'd immediately associate with a CV joint, they usually knock, tick or grumble.
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Thanks.I have a feeling it will be the pads but cant check because the car doesn't have a jack and nor do I:bang: Just seems strange the light is not on.I will wait until I take it to the main stealer on Monday and let them take a look.I know the pads are £110 fitted with them :(but better that than something more costly:cry:Right back to fitting the bathroom:bang:
The car has no jack? That in itself could be costly. Is there not one inside the right hand panel inside the boot?
The pads may even be visible from underneath, or indeed through the wheel. Its too cold dark and wet for me to go look at mine right now!

Pads fitted at an independant should be less than £50.
The car has no spare wheel so I suppose they think there is no need for a jack but saying that I have never looked:eek:.I will tomorrow morning:slayer:Can't see a thing through the wheels:(
You prob have something like a cow stuck in your wheel arch if you have'nt noticed a spare wheel or jack:D:D:D:D:D.
Just kidding , may just be the plastic inner arch catching on full lock, have you had any work in the arch area.
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No spare wheel?

OK, get on your hands and knees, crawl under the back bumper and look straight up.

Is there a (very skinny) spare wheel above your head???
Defo no spare.They give you a can full of something to seel the tyre instead.I am sure it is not catching on the wheel arch.It sounds more and more like the pads.I will let you know what the main stealer says tomorrow.Strange the pad light is not on though:cry:The way my wife drives a cow could well be a possible problem:devil:
I didnt realise they had withdrawn the spare from the Multipla. Is this the way they all are now or an option?
It was just the pads crunching on the outer rim of the discs where some rust builds up.They wanted to replace the handrake cable just because it has a tiny scuff in the outer rubber casing:confused:Said it might cause water to get in:DI told them it poors in anyway where the two rubber gators have fallen to bits where the cable becomes two:rolleyes:They also wanted to replace the discs because of slight wear:eek:Basically they were trying hard to sell me something which didn't need doing for some time to come and then told me it would all go through the MOT with no problems:confused: