General Another pushchair/pram/boot thread :)

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General Another pushchair/pram/boot thread :)

Just Dirk

New member
Jun 10, 2013
I know this has been asked before bit not recently..

Any thoughts on travel systems that fit the boot on a 500? We tried a few today and the Bugaboo Bee fitted nicely, just after others experiences...

Cheers :)
My tip is don't spend loads on a Bugaboo, I have a 3 year old and he has not used a pushchair for a year, just buy one that folds down easily and is cheap. You will end up buying a cheapo easy to fold one after a year anyhow.
My tip is don't spend loads on a Bugaboo, I have a 3 year old and he has not used a pushchair for a year, just buy one that folds down easily and is cheap. You will end up buying a cheapo easy to fold one after a year anyhow.

Already have a good silver cross pushchair that folds up small from our first, the 0+ months mamas & papas we have is too big tho..
Which model mate?

This one$ja=tsid:49662&cm_mmc=googlemerchantcenter-_-nmppla-_-NULL-_-NULL&_$ja=cgid:10700606009|tsid:49662|cid:180463649|lid:66234944729|nw:search|crid:38281233449|dvc:c|adp:1o1|bku:1&gclid=CJjDyKr2tLkCFZShtAodQQMAwQ

Mind you, I had one of those when I had 500 too and I can vouch that it will fit... but as RUI says, don't spend too much money - you'll be buying Maclaren pushchair before long, I did....;)
This one$ja=tsid:49662&cm_mmc=googlemerchantcenter-_-nmppla-_-NULL-_-NULL&_$ja=cgid:10700606009|tsid:49662|cid:180463649|lid:66234944729|nw:search|crid:38281233449|dvc:c|adp:1o1|bku:1&gclid=CJjDyKr2tLkCFZShtAodQQMAwQ

Mind you, I had one of those when I had 500 too and I can vouch that it will fit... but as RUI says, don't spend too much money - you'll be buying Maclaren pushchair before long, I did....;)

Cheers dude, been trying loads myself over the last couple of days, started a nice list :)
Cheap maclaren stroller fits perfectly and mine only cost £40. Was a 3-month up one. You want a buggy that you can safely leave parked up without risk of bring nicked. I wouldn't waste your money on an over priced 'label'

Need 0+ and have no intention of leaving outside lol