Technical Alternative methods for attaching chrome sill strip

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Technical Alternative methods for attaching chrome sill strip

Mar 7, 2005
I can see why some people don't have this trim because the original fixing method is a series of rust traps and replacement sills don't seem to have the holes.
But I like the look and will want them back. Before I commit to paint, after which I won't be drilling holes, has anyone tried using polyurethane sealant either on the plastic "buttons" or direct to the back of the strips?
Peter you could use the Weatherstrip Adhesive I used on the rubbers to hold the weatherstrip on, on the side windows of the doors. It's black but you wouldn't see it behind the chrome sill strip. It's really strong much better than other contact adhesive I have used. You put it on both sides to be joined and leave it till it dries then put another coat on both sides and join them together.

It's call Permatex Black Super Weatherstip Adhesive. You can get it on Ebay and you will need it or something similar for the door windows.
I drilled holes and used the buttons.

Plus side with the holes is that it lets you inject the sills with cavity wax.

Perversely I drilled a couple of larger holes on the inner for the wax. I did use the buttons with the protrusion cut off and a tidy blob of PU sealant on each one. It was tricky to make s good alignment and even harder to devise a way to hold them in place whilst it set.
I wouldn't encourage anyone to use this method, but it works well and those holes really are a nutty idea.