Technical Aircon not working 500x 1.6d 120bh..diagnostic conclusion

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Technical Aircon not working 500x 1.6d 120bh..diagnostic conclusion


Jun 26, 2023
A report on your Fiat. Upon connecting the aircon pressure gauges to your car, it was quickly established that with the car running and the aircon button switched to on, there was no change in the high and low pressure gauges. Both were reading 60 psi which is a static pressure when the aircon system is not operating. Upon further investigation, the clutch on the pulley on the aircon compressor was not engaging, so the aircon will not operate.

I connected my diagnostic kit to the vehicle and interrogated the HVAC system for faults. No faults were showing, so I proceeded to test the operation of the system. The relay in the system was operating normally and this sends the signal to the aircon compressor clutch, in which there was no response. Pressure switch was reading fine too.

My conclusion is that the clutch on the aircon compressor is faulty, thus not turning the internals in the compressor to move the refrigerant around the system. To remedy, you will need a replacement compressor fitting.
Can anyone confer or know anything else as I'm wondering whether to get a second opinion.
Aircon compressor control valve seems to be getting a common failure point on all cars from all makes and Models these days.

Not technically a user serviceable part and so most places will want to change the whole compressor but companies are popping up offering replacements without having to replace the whole pump. To remove it you need the aircon gassed down, the. You can take it out and test it