A sunny hello

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A sunny hello


New member
Jul 5, 2024
Hi everyone,

Buying our first ever Fiat 500C tomorrow (used 51k) 2019 model. Happy to be part of this community and learn while we own it.

I mainly service my cars myself having a brief bit of mechanical knowledge, so keen to learn about the service intervals, oil specs, etc etc, which I am certain will be buried deep inside this forum.

Kind regards
should be ok then - i have written a guide for things that new owners can check on there cars(see guides) + check for good smooth operation of the soft top and check around for rust! 😱 hope you enjoy it!.
Thank you for the kind words and guidance. Just picked it up and i had the garage put lithium grease on the roof runners after checking out videos on Utube. All okay bodywork wise, plus just had CV boots replaced plus CV joints so they shouldn't be an issue anytime soon. I actually trained many many years ago as a mechanic, but never went in to that field of work and so, while being 'rusty' myself, I can spot the good/bad on a vehicle (hopefully) lol 😆