I bet everyone's thinking 'Why didn't you do the check before you bid?'
i didnt think to, but eitehr way i didnt loose any money on it, so its all good. and i got my 750L instead anyway :]
heres there details i was given by the vehicle checker
Vehicle description
Make FIAT Year of Manufacture 1987
Model PANDA 1000 SUPER Date of first registration in the
Colour GREY Previous keepers 6
Engine (CC) 999 Date keeper changed 11/05/2004
Door plan 3 Door Hatchback Fuel type Petrol
Engine number 0953385
Vehicle status
Problems checked Results found
Police stolen Not recorded as stolen, by the police
Outstanding finance Not recorded as having outstanding finance
Insurance write-off Recorded as an insurance write-off
Recorded by insurers as the subject of a total loss claim due to damage. Contact the
seller for more details
Insurance theft Not recorded by insurers as a theft
Security Not recorded on our security register
Plate transfer history No plate transfer recorded
Mileage Check No mileage discrepancy is indicated by data currently held on NMR
Note: However this does not take into account any mileage supplied to eBay by the
Valuation No valuation available
No guide valuation is available for this vehicle
Guarantee Activation
If you are the successful bidder, you should contact the seller to obtain the registration number and V5 details. These
details should be entered to activate the guarantee before you purchase the vehicle. You can activate your guarantee
by clicking on the link provided in your email.
Thank you for using our service.