General 500c (or any 500) run in query/judder...

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General 500c (or any 500) run in query/judder...

Jul 22, 2009
Tyne & Wear
Hi. I hesitate to say, given that so many people are waiting for their 500c, that I picked up my beautiful car today - 1.2 lounge, red, black roof! All perfect with one slight exception..... getting some juddering (occasionally) at low revs in 2nd and sometimes 3rd. Not sure if this is just a 'new' car thing, the fact the poor thing's been stuck out in the rain for two weeks, or something I should be worried about.... any thoughts experts?

Lovely little car.

Are you labouring the thing? Never drive in too low a gear, this is terrible for any car. I have a work colleague who judders about all over the place with the poor car on the edge of stalling nearly all the time. I have to keep schtum for fear of 'telling' her how to drive. She has just replaced her old car with a Diesel; it'll be interesting to see if she learns how to drive this one properly.

So, the message of the tale: don't change up too soon, make sure you keep the revs up to the proper, sweet, level; not too high, not too low - ever - until it is run in, when you can use the revs more.

It may be the car of course ;)

Enjoy now (y)
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Don't think it's my driving, but you never know.... just changed from a Cooper S, so bound to be a wee bit different getting used to the different gear box. Will keep an eye on it (and my driving!), might even get the old man to take it for a spin (if he's exceedingly good ;)) to see what he thinks... Just remember my old F Reg Uno was a bit partial to juddering.... let's hope it's just me. Thanks
Hi. I hesitate to say, given that so many people are waiting for their 500c, that I picked up my beautiful car today - 1.2 lounge, red, black roof! All perfect with one slight exception..... getting some juddering (occasionally) at low revs in 2nd and sometimes 3rd. Not sure if this is just a 'new' car thing, the fact the poor thing's been stuck out in the rain for two weeks, or something I should be worried about.... any thoughts experts?

Check the oil. Mine does the judder thing when the oil is about half way down the marker on the dipstick. If I top it up with another litre she's fine.
Check the oil. Mine does the judder thing when the oil is about half way down the marker on the dipstick. If I top it up with another litre she's fine.

One would hope that being a brand new car the oil level will have been checked on the PDI, but it certainly won't hurt to check. Could possibly be of course that the engine is still tight.

That is one strange symptom if you don't mind me saying and although I can't see how it would actually cause the car to judder it obviously does in your case as you have proved. (y)
One would hope that being a brand new car the oil level will have been checked on the PDI, but it certainly won't hurt to check. Could possibly be of course that the engine is still tight.

That is one strange symptom if you don't mind me saying and although I can't see how it would actually cause the car to judder it obviously does in your case as you have proved. (y)

Yeah, it's weird. When it judders the oil level is within acceptable levels (half way on the dipstick) and topping it up stops it. Sure enough, a couple of thousand miles later it happens again and topping it up fixes it. I've just written it off as a quirk of the 500.
Check the oil. Mine does the judder thing when the oil is about half way down the marker on the dipstick. If I top it up with another litre she's fine.

why you putting a litre in when its only got space for half?:confused:

500cGirl car may judder for first few hundread miles whilst the ecu settles in
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Yeah, it's weird. When it judders the oil level is within acceptable levels (half way on the dipstick) and topping it up stops it. Sure enough, a couple of thousand miles later it happens again and topping it up fixes it. I've just written it off as a quirk of the 500.

How much oil are you using - mine doesn't drop at all!

Re the judder - not low revs & aircon on high is it? The aircon can sometimes make small engines judder or feel lumpy...
Hi 500c
When and from who did you order as I ordered April and still being told end of August for delivery and I was in the first 50 ordered in UK!!
I'm very embarrassed that I have my wee care before so many devotees (i've recently converted from being a 'mini girl'). It was by complete chance I got the care. Went in the day after the launch (which I wasn't aware of) test drove a couple of cars in the rain, and bought the 500c in the show room..... :D I'm very pleased today cos it's sunny up here! YEAH!!!!

Thanks for the tips re the judder everyone, really appreciate it!
why you putting a litre in when its only got space for half?:confused:

500cGirl car may judder for first few hundread miles whilst the ecu settles in

Whaa? Mine drinks oil like it does petrol. When it's halfway on the marker on the dipstick it takes a litre to get it near the top again.
How much oil are you using - mine doesn't drop at all!

Re the judder - not low revs & aircon on high is it? The aircon can sometimes make small engines judder or feel lumpy...

Nope. I've used the air con maybe twice in the 18 months I've had it. I hate air con, it dries out my head :)
Am jealous as still waiting for mine but pleased for you and glad the weather is good for you at the moment. Hope you get this problem sorted and enjoy your car!

I went into showroom last week and saw one in there which is pretty much the same spec as the one I have ordered except it had cloth seats. Was pretty tempting to buy the one in the showroom after such a long wait for mine!! However it will only be a few weeks now hopefully and decided that it was better to be a little more patient and get exactly what I wanted. Easier said than done though!

Not helped by the fact my next door neighbour took delivery of a red Abarth two days ago (mine is red also) - that has made me champ at the bit even more;) Can't avoid seeing it sitting outside which is driving me crazy. Still at least it is an Abarth and not a 500c because that would have really driven me into the nuthouse:) When mine arrives they will be like little twins - how sweet....
AAGHRR! A friend said she spotted a red 500c in our (small) town on Monday afternoon:cry: I am glad I didn't see it as would have been so consumed with jealousy I would have probably caused a scene:eek::eek:

Perhaps she is just winding me up....