Technical 250 Ducato ComfortMatic removal - w/o engine removal

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Technical 250 Ducato ComfortMatic removal - w/o engine removal


New member
Jul 8, 2024
Hi there,

I just own a new to me Fiat Ducato III 250 3.0 Multijet 180 ComfortMatic, aka "auto" trans.
My van is a bus from 2012 with shy of 100.000km.

Though just after 500km it stopped with a stalled engine, due to transmission problems. Looks like the brake fluid reservoir lost fluid and does so again and again, after several days of standing still. Codes: P0857-86 and P0856-81 aka no gears availible. After looking under the engine it looks like, besides engine oil, there is a yellow fluid, which is supposed to be the "missing" brake fluid.

So I will need to pull the trans to renew the slave cylinder.

I have seen several videos of people with big arms doing that - but I have never seen or read from someone doing that on a ComfortMatic, aka Auto, aka Selespeed. Difference being: The stuff of top.
I really do not want to deal with reservoirs cutting off, leaking and so on while disassembly. Or even worse getting stuck with a non movable vehicle.

(of course I do not have a garage, or crane, or hoist)

- Anyone done that?
- even possible to remove that "clever part" of the tranny? (there is up to 40 bar inside)
Ducato III
I am a bit further:
It is possible - as I heard - to deinstall the hydro stuff inside the Van.

BUT: On a 3l it is more or less impossible to get the stuff out of the Van w/o breaking anything. So Engine an Tranny need to get out together!

Which is easier in the first place but of course requires a garage and engine hoist etc.

Just to let anybody know, who has a similar problem in the future. (which is to be expected on Comfortmatic)

Which translates into a bigger issue for me.