General 2008 Fiat Ducato six speed gearbox search

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General 2008 Fiat Ducato six speed gearbox search

Aug 8, 2018
i have a 2008 fiat ducato 3.0 iveco 160hp with a m40 six speed box. im looking to see if i can find somewhere that i can buy a recon box. it appears its either drag mine out and wait , or that i must return mine as part of the condition, but that if they decide the old box is not fit to be salvaged.
anyone got any places they knowof i could try? i looked on ebay and it appears my particular model of m40 box, which it would seem there is 3 versions all called m40 ......???? , is not avialable.
im thinking to kill two birds with one stone as my slave cylinder has dramatically failed, so i think as the gearbox has started to develop a deceleration whispering whine in 6th since changing the gearbox oil and adding molyslip. i changed the oil as idget ride of a whisper whine in 1st n 2nd that would disappear at about 1500rpm... but when i drained the old oil and let it sit it had a 'wash of golden particles in it, it was like looking at metallic paint

what im thinking, is a gearbox swap would be cheaper, and with my old one , look to get it reconditioned as a spare as i read these gearboxes are made of toffee ....
i wish i could drop a more reliable gearbox in, but i think im stuck with this one model of box

if it helps im in Willenhall West midlands

in short im looking for places to try that might have the right gearbox for my van