Technical 2000 Fiat Punto Sporting 16v rubbing/friction

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Technical 2000 Fiat Punto Sporting 16v rubbing/friction


New member
Aug 19, 2013
Af'noon All,

Hello to all and I apologise for the length of my 1st post! :)

I have been lurking around the forum for the past few weeks as I have not long ago purchased a Fiat Punto Sporting 16v on a W (2000) plate with 95k miles for commuting.

I knew the car required a clutch, exhaust & gearbox mount which were all done as soon as I got the car. I have also serviced the car including new oil filter, oil, spark plugs & Air filter.

But here comes the "However"

When I got the car back from clutch being fitted, I noticed a burning smell when coming to a stop but put this down to new clutch bedding in, what has started to happen now is what can only be described as rubbing/friction from the front of the car like a wheel rubbing plastic at one point on its revolution and develops between 25-40mph, after that it disappears. the rubbing does appear to get louder on left AND right turn.

I suspected wheel bearings and so jacked it up, checked for any play and there was nothing at all. I noticed the brake discs were very very hot to the point I had to wait a while for them to cool down. When I rotated the wheel I noticed a slight friction point on the disc but there is no warping and pads have 11mm all round. I took the calliper apart, cleaned the pins greased back up and put back together in case it was causing the calliper to stick. Alas no good, still getting the rubbing noise. I have determined that the burning smell is coming from the front (engine area) and not from brakes/discs

Am I still likely to expect a wheel bearing issue? as its non ABS, at £25 a bearing kit its worth changing but would else could it be if this doesn't fix it? Are there any other tests I could be doing to narrow down the field?

Any help would be very helpful!

Iwouid get the front end up in the Air, on axle stands and chock the back wheels
And then let it run with the wheels off the ground .. you might be able to get a clearer idea of what's going on that way,
Don't assume just because it sounds like the front that it actually is the front.

I was absolutely convinced I had a problem at front near side, turned out to be rear off side

I'd check front brake flexi hoses are ok, handbrake cables are secure, wheel arch liners are ok, brake disk splash guards aren't rubbing on discs.

Edit: welcome to the forum...