Technical 124 Coupe BC radiator question

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Technical 124 Coupe BC radiator question


New member
Feb 19, 2013
The Netherlands
Hi all,
I bought a 1970 124 coupe BC last year, now that i gave the engine some maintenance and the distribution belts are now renewed, i found out that the engine has been replaced by a 2 litre engine instead of the 1608 engine. Yes it runs fast! My question is, does anyone of you have some experience with this engine in a 124, and second i think that the radiator is still the old one from the 1608 engine. I want to take the car to Italy this summer, is my radiator good enough to cool the 2 litre engine. Is the standard radiator for a 2 litre bigger?
Any input is welcome.
regards, from the Netherlands
As you probably know the 124 Coupe never came with the 2 litre engine but the Spider came with various engines including the 1608 and 1995? . I would suggest you compare the cooling system capacities of the 124 Spider fitted with the 1608 and 1995 c.c. engines to see if there is much difference. I've fitted a 1756 engines to 124BC (1608) and had no problem. Does the car run hot in traffic at present? Preparing for a trip to Italy ,I'd consider either back-flushing the radiator/cooling system at home or having the radiator professionally cleaned, check/replace all radiator and heater hoses, check/replace thermostat, check electric cooling fan is cutting-in at the correct temperature,check radiator pressure cap, ensure nothing is impeding airflow through the radiator(driving/fog lamps, badges, leaves, insects etc). The front number plate, if full size, partly blocks airflow to bottom of radiator. Also do a system pressure check with the engine hot. Any sign of leaks from cylinder head gasket or block core plugs.? If all above is taken care of, you should have nothing to worry about. Fiat twin cams are great cars, Enjoy your trip!
