General 10k car?

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General 10k car?


STOP! Hammer time!
Mar 3, 2008
The Welsh Riviera
Since when was a 1.2 pop 10k? Didn't they start off at 6,900 or 7,300 or something like that? This pricing is starting to get ridiculous ...... yet again!

We paid £8720 (scrappage) for our 1.2 lounge with leather, 16" wheels and side rubbing strip. This car would now be £12,575. Bonkers! I am amazed that they're still selling as well as they are, I guess most people are buying them PCP so they're taking the hit really.
£ to € exchange rate isn't helping

cars generally have become way too expensive with signifcant price increases in the last 5 years when real terms wages are flat to negative

i would love to buy a box fresh new car but just can't see the economic sense in it even though I am in a fortunate position financially

when £10k buys you a 18 month old fully specced Bravo I cannot imagine choosing to buy (an albiet new) peasant spec 500 :confused:
Since when was a 1.2 pop 10k? Didn't they start off at 6,900 or 7,300 or something like that? This pricing is starting to get ridiculous ...... yet again!

You're preaching to the converted.

There are some decent new car deals out there - just not on the 500 :mad:.

You can get a brand new (not prereg) Panda 1.2 pop for under £7000. You can also get a new Suzuki Swift for £8999; that car will trounce any FIAT for build quality & durability. Both way better value than anything you'll see being offered on the 500.

The situation will likely continue for as long as folks are prepared to pay a £2k-£3k premium for cute looks & fashion.

At least it's good news for those coming to the end of their 3yr pcp deals - like Robin, they will likely have significant equity in the car.
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Well the 1.2 Pop been priced at (I think) £9,960 for about the last 18 months.

Odd move if you ask me - why add only £50 to the price to take it over a significant price milestone? I know people aren't stupid when it comes to pricing, but it still looks a lot nicer at £9,960 rather than £10,010.
there's also that old bugger, inflation. £7,300 in 2007 would be over £8,500 now and then there's that VAT difference, the Euro's strengthening and here we are.
I played with the configurator and the price of a TA Lounge with the same spec as mine right now (1.4 not available) comes up to pretty much exactly the same price in Euros that i paid for my car in 2010. 15540 GBP comes to 18030 euros in todays exchange rate, and i paid 17900 euros in 2010 with the interscope for free so if you include that then its actually more expensive back then than now.

However, in Greece right now I would get a 1500 Euro discount (1000 euros dealer discount + 500 euros salesman discount as i know salesman personally) on a Fiat 500 if i bought new due to the current market situation so a new car would actually be cheaper in Greece now then back then = )
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I think the 500 is good value, I paid £11500ish for my one nearly 4 years ago and it's worth around £7000 now, thats a loss of 39% in 4 years I guess it has held its value so much is because the price of new ones have gone up.
Don't forget the prices of most cars/things have gone up in that time.
The 500 does not get driven that much at this time of year because believe it or not there are some even more fun cars than the 500, and they also hold there value better 2007 car £85,000ish new now worth £55,000ish so a 33% loss. Again the GT3 basic list price has gone from £80,000 to over £100,000 in 5 years!

Err, so £30,000 depreciation is better than £4,500 depreciation. If you say so....

percentage wise yes it is, The good thing is the first owner took most of the £30k hit.
Lies, damned lies and statistics....

You should be a Porsche salesman in your retirement Ian.

If it's lies you wan't a Fiat salesman would be happy to help.
If it's lies you wan't a Fiat salesman would be happy to help.
I've never understood the idea of buying a more expensive car to it depreciates less in terms of a percentage, but still more in terms of actual dollar value?
I've never understood the idea of buying a more expensive car to it depreciates less in terms of a percentage, but still more in terms of actual dollar value?

OK keep it down, the wife might hear...... It depreciates less than a Fiat 500!