Technical 1.9 diesel engine/tank problem

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Technical 1.9 diesel engine/tank problem


New member
May 11, 2009
Hi, I have a 2002 diesel 1.9 nonturbo punto van. I've had it a couple of years now without any major hiccups. It has now developed two problems which could be related or maybe not.....
Firstly about 3 months ago I went to refill the fuel tank and could only fill the tank roughly a quarter full before the fuel was overspilling out of the neck of the filler. At first I thought the fuel gauge was faulty, but it wasnt. Also when filling the tank it would take me about 5 minutes to get the quarter of fuel in. This has happened repeatedly since then. But on two ocassions I have been able to get a full tanks worth of fuel into the tank.

Secondly and more important, about two weeks ago after refilling my quarter of a tank, the engine developed a very rough idle, this also affects the engine on low revs throughout all the gear ranges. I have to keep it well revved untill I get into 5th gear. Once in 5th it will maintain 70/80 mph with no problem but if I let the revs drop in each gear it "chugs like mad" untill I drop down a gear or increase the revs.

I hope someone can help before I have to take it to a garage.

cheers for now
Hi mate,

Check the tank breather pipe isnt blocked. A build up of air in the tank whilst refuelling will make it very difficult to get much diesel into the tank.

A blocked tank breather can also cause the other problem you are experiencing, ie rough idle/ lack of bottom end power.

Hope that helps,
Thanks for the info guys, sorry for my slow response, I've only just got back from my hols! Whereabouts is the non return valve situated ? Is it a relatively easy job for a mechanically minder person?

cheers Disastermaster