No Text Speak

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No Text Speak


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Mar 24, 2002
At Home
Can we have a no text speak stikie in the LL (d'oh) with the title "no text speak" so that newbies don't start speaking in the inconprehensible language of "todays youth" Maybe in the Newbie section too!

Hope that makes sense :rolleyes:
dave said:
cos it difikult to reed, n i no tht there iz a unspoken rule bout it. so a genral reminder wont harm.

(lol... I can't even speak it)
bulldog5046 said:
lnk cr b82rez 2g4, i ws trin sav t1me!

thanks, my point exactly. anybody who understands that needs educating.
Alex said:
thanks, my point exactly. anybody who understands that needs educating.

I agree! Anyone who writes and can read hardcore 'txt spk' on a Forum obviously hasn't been educated. If I see someone writing text speak I automatically think they are an illiterate Chav :p

Keep text speak for mobile phones and proper written English for the forum (y)

I wonder if Ben could come up with a Chav filter for the forum? :idea:

bulldog5046 said:
get with it grandad, its from the Ali G movie!

Exactly! And Ali G. was a complete parody of the sort of person who writes like that! :rolleyes:

Thing is, Ali G. was cool because Sasha Baron Cohen who plays him is one hell of a sharp (and educated) guy. Unfortunately, most Chavs who try and copy him totally miss the point that he was actually taking the p**s out of them!

And as for the Grandad bit :mad: I'm not that old! Besides, Sasha Cohen is only a couple of years or so younger than me (the guitarist in my old band went to the same school and was in the same year as him), so if he can be cool then so can I :p

Y u thnk i no spk in txt? i iz kewl, n ne way, i cn spk n rite sum txt, tho only on mob fons innit? :D
dave said:
what Ali G not real :eek: :cry: goldie lookin chain gone all RnB i need new idols now :(

PMSL!!!!!!!!! (oops, txt spk!)

And not only that, but the King and Queen of Chavdom, David and Victoria Beckham, were voted the most pointless celebrities on a TV programme last night, along with Jade from Big Brother and mega boobs Jordan.

Who will all the Chavs aspire to now that their heroes have been ridiculed?!!!
Alex said:
Can we have a no text speak stikie in the LL (d'oh) with the title "no text speak" so that newbies don't start speaking in the inconprehensible language of "todays youth" Maybe in the Newbie section too!

Hope that makes sense :rolleyes:

I think if we are going to complain about the standard of responses on here at least the complainants should check their own English, it does make a mockery of what they are complaining about.:rolleyes:
And to be honest I do not find that 'text speak' is any problem on the forum other than when people give examples when taking the ****.


'lnk cr b82rez 2g4, i ws trin sav t1me!'

'Y u thnk i no spk in txt? i iz kewl, n ne way, i cn spk n rite sum txt, tho only on mob fons innit?'

steve1219 said:
I think if we are going to complain about the standard of responses on here at least the complainants should check their own English, it does make a mockery of what they are complaining about.:rolleyes:
And to be honest I do not find that 'text speak' is any problem on the forum other than when people give examples when taking the ****.


'lnk cr b82rez 2g4, i ws trin sav t1me!'

'Y u thnk i no spk in txt? i iz kewl, n ne way, i cn spk n rite sum txt, tho only on mob fons innit?'


I do agree that there is an irony when people who complain about writing standards write incorrectly themselves! BUT, the problem with text speak is that not everyone understands it. Plus, there are quite a number of foreign members on the forum and it makes no sense to them at all. Shouldn't we be a bit more considerate to those who use the forum and aren't familiar with text speak?