Reversing Fiat - This is quality

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Reversing Fiat - This is quality


What's the worst that can happen?
Mar 14, 2004
Essex, UK.
I don't know if you've seen this before but this is brilliant some guy has modified his car with two steering wheels. The best bit is near the end when they go round corners on public roads sideways and backwards!

Here's another one not car related these guys are amazing - It's table tennis Matrix style!

"The new rules are very simple, the FIA will keep them to themselves until such a time as Ferrari needs them" Patrick Head
Another crazy Pole is it?

Uno 1.0ie Start. Standard.

I am a schizophrenic currently so please bear with me whilst I try to get rid of the 40+ personality.
Yep, seen this one before, it's quality! :D

<font color="navy">Punto 55SX</font id="navy">

I'm not even sure how it works - in the later pictures there's two blokes in there with a steering wheel each but at the start there is only one. Nice turning circle too!

Yeah bad luck it's quite big - sorry but it took about 5 secs on the stupidly fast uni network!

"The new rules are very simple, the FIA will keep them to themselves until such a time as Ferrari needs them" Patrick Head
system error? sorry can't help you don't know what's going on there:(

"The new rules are very simple, the FIA will keep them to themselves until such a time as Ferrari needs them" Patrick Head
awww sammi :( Hope it works for you in the future. Maybe a better choice to download and save it (right click on link on website and hit save target as if you use IE) because it might be a bit more reliable.

Dr Pepper; I think most of the stuff we see going sideways etc. he needs two people, one for the front turning, one for the rear. Maybe however he can control both from the front like in the large dustbin trucks etc. with 4 wheel turning etc. but I doubt it because to get that engineered would be yet more complex - not that I expect he had an easy job to get it as it is! With the one person steering I expect he can just drive it backwards but control as a normal car. Anybody care to prove me wrong?

Uno 1.0ie Start. Standard.

I am a schizophrenic currently so please bear with me whilst I try to get rid of the 40+ personality.
I think it's got a standard 126 engine under the bonnet (where a 126's boot would normally be) and the standard rear engine seems to have been replaced with something bigger and more powerful (look at the way the rear wheels stick out waaay beyond the bodywork, and the sheer pace of the thing - far quicker than a pair of poxy 26bhp 126 engines would be). Both engines fitted "backwards" so that the car drives at full speed in reverse (reversing lights come on when they drive the car "forwards"!). I reckon that by locking the "front" steering in the straight position, and putting the front gearbox in neutral, the guy can drive it on his own, backwards :D

<font color="navy">Punto 55SX</font id="navy">

Excellent to both of them - now imagine driving that thing around the Uk - lol - how come the 'Europeans' seem to get away with it [8D]

Fiat Ulysse 2.2JTD Eleganza, 53 plate, with options :D Angel Tuning [see ad] tuned ;) Photos and a 'better' avatar still to be sorted - there is always tomorrow
I might be going to POland in the summer and get to find out!

Uno 1.0ie Start. Standard.

I am a schizophrenic currently so please bear with me whilst I try to get rid of the 40+ personality.
I'm well tempted to break out the welding kit, buy a few old sheds from the scrappy and build me something similar!

<font color="navy">Punto 55SX</font id="navy">

You could try getting it registered on the cheap as a moped or something saying it has a top forward speed of 10mph, not mentioning it does 100mph backwards!

Don't think it would be long before you get pulled over for going round corners sideways like that!

"The new rules are very simple, the FIA will keep them to themselves until such a time as Ferrari needs them" Patrick Head
wow! that is mad! so is it now front or rear engined??? hmmm.

Smurfhead - would trade as Gaz but bit confusing with another guy with the same car on here with the same name. lol

Seicento Sporting (2001)