Cinquecento The Cinq Has Gone


Well the cinq was picked up by its new owner at 1.00pm today so i thought id put up the last pictures i took of it the other day which show the exhaust etc ive been on about for ages

Will hopefully get my next car soon although i doubt it will be fiat as i want something different so thanks to everyone on here who gave help and advice while i owned the cinq its much appreciated such as FIX IT AGAIN TOMMORROW (pete).

And GAZ-Wrexham i forgot to thank you for the stickers you sent me a while ago :bang: sorry, thanks loads mate its well appreciated(y) and ive put them on the rear windows so the new owner might come on here soon shes a 21 year old girl whos just passed her test so the car was perfect especially with all the mods which makes it alot nicer to drive and doesnt up the insurance.

And everyone's probably wondering how much i let it go for well, the girl was the second person to view it and offered full price that was in the paper as other people were interested every day so it sold for £900 which im happy with as its no where near what it cost me but i can move onto my next car and the girl was happy with the cinq which is what counts.


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The younger modder
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