First: sorry for my bad Englisch, I'm Dutch.
I got my 13th Multipla from 1999...........looks like a dirtbag. Last owner did not clean her, I think. That makes me a long list of TO DO items.
I hoop to drive this lady for a long long time, because this beautyful car mostly end on a scrapyeard in Holland the idiots!
Her name is a combination of my name, my wife's name. Both 4 items in it.
At elearn I'm studying to mantain her as well as possible.
Pictures you see the dirt, I have to do a lot of cleaning........
First: sorry for my bad Englisch, I'm Dutch.
I got my 13th Multipla from 1999...........looks like a dirtbag. Last owner did not clean her, I think. That makes me a long list of TO DO items.
I hoop to drive this lady for a long long time, because this beautyful car mostly end on a scrapyeard in Holland the idiots!
Her name is a combination of my name, my wife's name. Both 4 items in it.
At elearn I'm studying to mantain her as well as possible.
Pictures you see the dirt, I have to do a lot of cleaning........