General The Weekly Check

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General The Weekly Check

Mar 19, 2002
Lake District....Moist
Not 'Pay Cheque', but just as important.

I am amazed by the number of times that owners are unaware that their cars are losing fluids, of one sort or another.

Sensible drivers, or 'Old Farts' if you prefer, carry out a lights and levels check every week.

This is a good practice.

Any shortage of a particular liquid can be noted, topped up, and rechecked the following week so a pattern can be obtained.

Our cars are coolant sensitive.

Weekly checks will give an early warning that coolant is going missing, so investigative work can be undertaken before that 'Oh ****, steamy hard shoulder' moment.

Checking the tyre pressures on a weely basis will show a slow puncture before it throws you off the road. Most cars will need mor air in their tyres this week compared with last as temperatures are going to be lower.

Anyone done it yet?

Similarly, checking that all the external lights work on the car will not only make the car more visible at night, but may also save a pull from the bizzies.

You know it makes sense.


Mr rallycinq is right... I'm almost obsessive about checks... in fact I checked at lunchtime due to a faint whiff of coolant in the cabin when I just went for my sarnie... slight pinkish deposit around a hose joint that will be fixed at the weekend, coolant hasnt visibly dropped but this stuff must not be ignored... ditto tyre pressures, twice a week checks for mine, oil every Saturday morning gets a check before I start it up.

Probably over-kill but so far its cost me nowt more than maybe a few hours of my life since I owned the car :eek: