Who is Lolita

Currently reading:
Who is Lolita


me (abit scruffy) and one of my dogs

Holly Molly, her face is half covered again, this is strange,
But hey i can know see who i am talking too, sweeeeeeeeet

Thank, see easy really,

Maybe you have no mouth??
yes and im surprised by the numbers and the persistance.

and you love it, all the attention...:yum::yum:

I am going to say somthing now, and before you all reply to me with perv comments this is not ment that way..

I was expecting a bad face when you did not show a picture, but now i can see the picture its clear to me that you are very pretty, so you should have showed your face from day one.

Anyway, now when i read your threads i know there is a pretty lady the other end...:)