General Men with Fiat 500s, what's the response?

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General Men with Fiat 500s, what's the response?

Somehow, around £12,000 is a reasonable price for selling my car privately at the minute... That's what I paid in January 2022. But the issue being, any car I buy also has been inflated stupidly too :-/
Just to put it all in perspective I paid £9500 for my first house, although 18 months later when my unfaithful wife legged it , I had to pay her £10,000 plus a 1960s Fiat 500 and a 1971 Alfa Romeo 1750 GTV, as half the assets:(.
Inflation was on the march even back then.
Just to put it all in perspective I paid £9500 for my first house, although 18 months later when my unfaithful wife legged it
At least she had the deceny to leave, would've been worse if she still stayed.

I dont know how young people manage, price of cars and houses is unreal. We've been helping our daughter try find her first place in Glasgow, very little for a new buyers wanting two bedroom flat in a decent (semi decent) area for under £100k. The 500 has been 'very' cheap to run for her, usually because I do all the work on it including servicing. It gets dropped off, and then returned fixed with a full tank to keep her happy with it.
At least she had the deceny to leave, would've been worse if she still stayed.

I dont know how young people manage, price of cars and houses is unreal. We've been helping our daughter try find her first place in Glasgow, very little for a new buyers wanting two bedroom flat in a decent (semi decent) area for under £100k. The 500 has been 'very' cheap to run for her, usually because I do all the work on it including servicing. It gets dropped off, and then returned fixed with a full tank to keep her happy with it.
Well its a fact that the most useful tool to have is a DAD! -multipurpose-always available! persistent &reliable! every child knows to keep somewhere handy now dont they!
At least she had the deceny to leave, would've been worse if she still stayed.

I dont know how young people manage, price of cars and houses is unreal. We've been helping our daughter try find her first place in Glasgow, very little for a new buyers wanting two bedroom flat in a decent (semi decent) area for under £100k. The 500 has been 'very' cheap to run for her, usually because I do all the work on it including servicing. It gets dropped off, and then returned fixed with a full tank to keep her happy with it.
I have a son and four daughters, the two youngest (twins) are the only ones who have bought a house between them and they had to do that together at nearly thirty. So although they get on each others t*ts at times and struggle to pay the bills, it is still cheaper than renting and seeing your money disappear.
What I have noticed when driving a smaller car is that females in large vehicles and taxi drivers believe even where the obstruction is on their side going down a hill, contrary to what I was taught in the Highway Code, that they have the right to attempt to force me onto the pavement to allow them to race past.
This is something I never had an issue with driving large vans etc.
I have taught my daughters to resist this also, pointing out apart from the legal aspect and danger to walkers, should it result in expensive damage to their alloy wheels, the other driver will just carry on in oblivion.:(
Aye Bugsy, but I wouldn't restrict it to just women in big cars. The highway code seems to be largely ignored by many these days. My, now departed, brother in law used to say he drove as if every other driver on the road was actively trying to have a crash with him! In a "situation" it's small consolation to know you were in the right when you see how much your insurance has increased as a result of not giving way (or whatever). Just eat humble pie I say and get on with life.
I am now probably going to spend the rest of the day trying to get a sensible insurance quote for my three vehicles, please don't suggest A.F as last time their quote was nearly double the cheapest!
I am now probably going to spend the rest of the day trying to get a sensible insurance quote for my three vehicles, please don't suggest A.F as last time their quote was nearly double the cheapest!

I've been using admiral for a number of years on their multicar thing, works really well for us with 5 cars.
Even including a calibra turbo, with various modifications declared on power, wheels, brakes, exhaust and for that car alone it's £110 :LOL: :LOL:
You were about (possibly) in the 60s when real style and classy music was the norm! Can't imagine what that must have been like. On one hand lacking all of todays fancy technology, but I wonder what life was like without the constant distractions and ease of.. well, everything! I wonder if when I'm in my 70s, we'll see any 'retro' millennium themes cars... Maybe Ford will bring out a commemorative 50 year on original Focus?! (We can all hope and pray not!). Interesting about the female comments, that's what I like to hear! haha
I was 20 in 1966 and the second half of the '60's and early '70s were possibly the best years of my life. Didn't have much cash and working long hours but getting married to the woman I'm still in love with, first house, first baby, some nice cars - 1275 Cooper "S", Mk1 Cortina GT, Triumph Vitesse and others - all of which could be easily "fixed" at the roadside. All lived to the wonderful soundtrack of the music in those days (8 track of course which I bought just as everyone was going with cassettes!) I know I'm viewing it through rose tinted glasses, but I'd go back there in a shot!
I have a son and four daughters, the two youngest (twins) are the only ones who have bought a house between them and they had to do that together at nearly thirty. So although they get on each others t*ts at times and struggle to pay the bills, it is still cheaper than renting and seeing your money disappear.
My brothers (also twins), both with half decent jobs and failed relationships are doing just that at 53…!…mind you, one has a Merc, the other an Alfa
I am now probably going to spend the rest of the day trying to get a sensible insurance quote for my three vehicles, please don't suggest A.F as last time their quote was nearly double the cheapest!
Currently with the NFU, and not because we’re farmers as last year it was LV
I’ve only used flux once, for a military vehicle, never again!
Yours looks fantastic! I remember sitting in one of the S models with those blue seats in the dealership near me back in like 2015 / 2016. The colour on the outside matching that is great looking. I do miss the portability. I was at an outlet park yesterday, packed for the bank holiday, and turning the Avensis around was one hell of a manoeuvre within the car park clusters.

Thanks. It took an age to find an Electonica blue 500 with the dark ambience and dark headlining, as I knew I’d make a mess of the lighter steering wheel and switches very quickly. I only found out after a while of searching that all S models have the darker dash, headlining etc And seemed to come in the blue I was after. The blue flashes on the inside are a nice touch. Not sure it needs the G-Force meter though 😂, or the eco green money tree display thingy, which only seems to go up to 99/100

I took my Greyhound along for the test drive and he settled comfortably on the back seat, but oddly enough wouldn’t settle in an identical 500C version. He enjoyed his tea in the showroom and didn’t disgrace himself up any of the cars either while the deal was done.

My local garage very recently offered me £50 less for it, than I paid for it 4 years ago. Madness.


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Thanks. It took an age to find an Electonica blue 500 with the dark ambience and dark headlining, as I knew I’d make a mess of the lighter steering wheel and switches very quickly. I only found out after a while of searching that all S models have the darker dash, headlining etc And seemed to come in the blue I was after. The blue flashes on the inside are a nice touch. Not sure it needs the G-Force meter though 😂, or the eco green money tree display thingy, which only seems to go up to 99/100

I took my Greyhound along for the test drive and he settled comfortably on the back seat, but oddly enough wouldn’t settle in an identical 500C version. He enjoyed his tea in the showroom and didn’t disgrace himself up any of the cars either while the deal was done.

My local garage very recently offered me £50 less for it, than I paid for it 4 years ago. Madness.
Very regal and aloof…the mutt that is!
Aye Bugsy, but I wouldn't restrict it to just women in big cars. The highway code seems to be largely ignored by many these days. My, now departed, brother in law used to say he drove as if every other driver on the road was actively trying to have a crash with him! In a "situation" it's small consolation to know you were in the right when you see how much your insurance has increased as a result of not giving way (or whatever). Just eat humble pie I say and get on with life.
Heh Jock!
I must get my glasses sorted, just read your thread "as I can't resist big women";)
My excuse is I have just come off 4 hours on phone and internet sorting insurance on just two cars, still got the van to sort.
Saved about £62 all told, but when they tell you it will save money having a multi car policy I would disagree.
Still cheaper than my old Motortrade policy , but at least I could drive anything and with a lot less hassle.
Admiral was cheaper for the van but a long way out on quoting for the two vehicles.
What annoys me is I had max no claims on a private policy which didn't carry across to my Trade one and then when I went back to private I had to start from zero again, so I now have one vehicle on 1 year, one on 2 year, and one on 4 year No Claims Bonus, which takes some balancing.
Surely a driver with a clean license is the same what ever car he drives as long as you can only drive one at a time!
Re NFU an old customer had a claim sorted a couple of years ago where his car was written off whilst he was in doors, settlement was agreed and paid, then next time his insurance quote came they had jacked it up £100, on querying it they said, after they had paid him off the other insurer decided not to pay the full amount so they thought they would reclaim it from him!
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Surely a driver with a clean license is the same what ever car he drives as long as you can only drive one at a time!
There's no logic to insurance companies. Out of 5 cars we have covered, the fiat 500 went up by about £45, the rests were argued back to to the same price. And why is the 500 more expensive, oh that car is now higher risk - more people must be crashing them. Pointing out that the same person driving it has had no accidents in the last 7 years gets the answer "it doesn't work that way"

We found the admiral multicar was great for learner drivers, and they build up their own no claim before passing, so when they do pass it's reasonable. We had 4 cars, now 5 with both kids on the policy, all fully comp, protected no claims, and it's been about £1,000 every year, savings and more no claims just seems to balance the increased prices.
There's no logic to insurance companies. Out of 5 cars we have covered, the fiat 500 went up by about £45, the rests were argued back to to the same price. And why is the 500 more expensive, oh that car is now higher risk - more people must be crashing them. Pointing out that the same person driving it has had no accidents in the last 7 years gets the answer "it doesn't work that way"

We found the admiral multicar was great for learner drivers, and they build up their own no claim before passing, so when they do pass it's reasonable. We had 4 cars, now 5 with both kids on the policy, all fully comp, protected no claims, and it's been about £1,000 every year, savings and more no claims just seems to balance the increased prices.
Most are not what I would call insurance companies of the past like General Accident and Legal and General etc. they just seem to be agents who spread the risk among others you have never heard of.
The only thing with the 500s is that when they were new they cost nearly as much as the base 500 Abarth of the time so I know what I would rather of had 😅, I can understand them if your quite young & the cost of insurance/running/parts on an Abarth is a problem, I think thats why Fiat introduced the 500s to begin with but they should have priced them much better
I can only think of one car I've refused to drive and that was a lime green classic Mini with a black bonnet, more because of Mr Bean connotations than any other issues. We've had several 500s since 2008, all my wife's ownership and I've never felt out of place driving them, including our current one which is a white 500e. I had a 1.0 Mild Hybrid 500 as a courtesy car recently and I'd suggest you take one for a test drive, in and out of town, as a reference against the drivability of your previous Panda.
Honestly it doesn’t matter what other people think and you shouldn’t think about what they are or aren’t thinking about :) -This isn’t just about what car you drive just general life advice, sod em!
Calibra……wasn’t that the car with a drag co-efficient of 0.26…..wasn’t that vauhalls tag line or something?
Yeah, though strictly speaking that only applied to the poverty spec model with skinny tyres and wheel trims!!!
The other models were slightly higher as they need to use the airvents at the front more too.