the things I do...

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the things I do...


Prominent member
Jul 19, 2008
Thats me 20hrs in to a 24 hr shift, on my 2nd set of overalls and well toward my 3rd, really busy today deploying umbilicals down to the seabed for controlling the tree..

The things I go through to let yous run these gutsy, air polluting, pedestrian killing, road damaging vehicles....

Fckn ace isnt it :D
You'll no doubt be pleased to know I had an "oh crap! what is he about to post" moment when I read your thread title :laugh:

keep going though, my car needs feeding :D
Heehee.. keeping you on your toes then I see..
Well in that case, you will be pleased to know im walking like john wayne, and it has nothing to do with black men and rig life.... extreme ballsack sweating and chafing, coupled with a lack of sudacrem=extreme pain...
I smell delicious anyway mwahxx

And tbh.. out here, I think making myself smell like food would be as bad as the guy who got a tatoo of a woman on his back, with his arse as the boobs...and getting himself sent to prison.
The ultimate sleeper car :D

You'd need to rebuild the car around the engine though? There's no way a 126's brake system, suspension and other gubbons would cope.

Oh and what are you driving at the moment? I'm way behind in the news as usual