FAO Blink 82UK

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FAO Blink 82UK

K I just saw the Balmedie mannies looking at it !


P.s I AM NOSEY ! ! :wink:
right well the alternator(spelling???) was on its way out n the elecy windows been acting up for a while now so since i have a warrentee i thought i would take it in to get looked at but on the way to fiat it broke....good and proper! :cry: they have it now and i should hopefully, fingers and toes crossed get it back from the butchers in 1peice!!
just off the phone from fiat and it was the alternator so its gettin fixed under my warrentee :D yeah was perfect timin martyn had to wait ages for the breakdown dudes n then the first guy couldnt tow it and dissapeared sayin someone else would be there in about 10mins but what i didnt realise til he was gone was that he took my car keys!!! so i had to phone the breakdown people again and explaine to them what happened finally got to fiat and the K£$%end of a sales **** didnt have a scoobydoo what he was on about! but its all sorted out now and i'm not payin anything so its all good 8) :D