Assassins Creed 2

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Assassins Creed 2


Upstanding Member for Newcastle
Mar 23, 2007
Anyone got and playing this? If so what you think?

Personally its probably my favourite non-racing game (ahh call of duty...waited 2 years finished it in 3 hours and hate the online as its just too complicated) of the year which fixes 98% of the flaws with the first one and is a lot of fun to play.
My only gripes with it is the controls on fine control climbing work it occasionally just totally throws in the towel and usually your character off a building to a squidgy death for good measure.
Also the camera again in fine control situations seems like the developer decided to make it deliberately obstructive. The camera turns occasionally at random during play normally its a free cam defaulting to behind player but in certain places it has a fixed vantage point from a different angle. This would be fine but it moves what your analog stick does when it does this without warning so the random change has you suddenly heading in the opposite direction again possibly to your death. This caused one very easy puzzle to last an hour as I attempted to jump straight backwards repeatedly but was foiled by the odd offset cam angle requiring a very specific thumbstick input to get it.
Other than that though it is brilliant and worth its asking price alot more than Call of Duty MW2 in my opinion. It has kept me up till 3 am for the last 4 nights in a row despite work in the morning as there was always one more thing I wanted to do. (y) Also the poison knife is epic, it's like infecting your targets' with the rage virus from 28 days later!
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I found the first one to be good but very repetitive I never finished it but don't feel like I missed much at all. All you need to know is that the character in the 1st one was called Altair and was a sh** hot assassin. Also Abstergo is evil...and controlled by templars who are also evil...
Loved the first one, agree 100% about it being repetitive, had to really try hard to finish it.

Tempted to buy it, might wait for the price to come down first though.
Just watched some videos of the game, looks pretty impressive.
So number two it is then. Will finish Infamous first and then wait till the prices drop a bit, and get a pre owned copy.
Not really its mentioned more than once in AC2 also he pops up in leaving clues from beyond the grave...if you must pick up the first one it is very cheap now but it is so so dull after a while you'll struggle to finish it. Look up the story on Wiki easier than playing it.
I was impressed by the graphics but to be honest found it a bit dull, style over substance.
I bought this game when it came out but have only just had time to really get into it. I absolutely love it but would echo what the OP says about the occasional camera shots. I loved the first one even though it was repetitive, and am loving this one more. There's loads to do and it's very immersive. You feel you're right there with the guy.

ezio is pretty cool, but if they made an assassins creed with number 2 gameplay, but with altair as the character it would be sh*t hot. is it true the third one you will play as the modern day character?
Got it a few days ago, only paid £10 for it, so can't really complain!

Love it so far! Love that you can get money and all that.