
Punto (Mk2/2b) My Punto ELX


Hi all, been on here a while never and never posted a picture of my car! so just for those interested heres a few :) Apologies as i don't seem to have a photo of my car when its clean!



Just a couple of photos on the drive.


One i took at work .... liked the angle and took a quick photo! (Not sure why its sideways :confused: )


Wish it was still this clean inside :rolleyes:
rust got yours too? got some pics?

Only got a picture of a small hole that was welded up in the front floor for its MOT in February (I didn't even know it was there!)


Both inner sills, and pretty much the entire rear floor were welded for an MOT 3 years ago. Was welded by a local garage so I don't have any photos. Was done at a great price hence why the car is still with us today.
Well, after many years of trouble free motoring with my little punto the time has come to say goodbye!

Couldn't of asked for a better for more reliable first car and it will be missed!

Although I'm not going far, I loved it that much I stayed loyal and went for a grande punto.


A sneak preview there but I will be heading over to the grande section to say hello :)