TES: Skyrim

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TES: Skyrim

May 7, 2011
The East Midlands, Derby.
Whos got it? lol

i have been playing it and at the moment about an hour into the game.
its really something. if you liked Oblivion (Or Gothic Or Two Worlds Or the Witcher Or Dragon Age) you gonna love this!

and the best bit is, i have the game on max settings and my PC still runs real nice with it >_<

Recommend it if your into your sword fighting first person free roam adventure type games.
I have lots of mates with it and they love it, but I really don't have the time to commit to it right now unfortunately. Elder scrolls needs to be given time and thought to get the best out of it, I really don't think you get the best out of it in 20 minute bursts as its hard to remember the plot/what you are up to/where you are meant to be going.
man, if you think like that you'll never get to play it. lol

lol i just realised that i make it sound like my PC is good.. lol its not.
i have my CPU overclocked by 33% just to get GTA4 to load up :/ you dont wanna know the frame rate!

Skyrim runs on this well. avrage fps is around 35-40. if i could get that on every game i'd be laughing!
The reason I say that is I know what it was like trying to play Elder scrolls and Fall out in bursts, I'd get well into it max it for a few weeks to an unhealthy degree, then go away from it and come back a month later and have no idea what I was doing, where I was going etc etc.
Guard might get nervous, man approaches with his weapon drawn.

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i just unlocked dragon armor in smithing.. im only like a level 28 heh its insane how good it is!
im plying the game the same way i played oblivion, sneaking around with a bow and arrows.

just about getting to the point where i can do one shot kills on bandits.
I use a daedric dagger and the ebony bow you get in the thieves guild.

Nearly at 50, only got 3 perks left to choose :(
Got it on PC but I've only played about 4 hours worth on it (level 3 at the moment). Trying to juggle the time between Skyrim, Sims 3, Fruity Loops and Blender. (n)