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alainax said:
going rate for a big peice would be around £50 an hour, pls make sure ya get a tattoo artist for dragons not just a tattooist!!!

good advice, cheers (y)

the plan is to give it a few years yet, wait till im about 25, im still wantin to put on some weight so dont want it to stretch / go out of shape, plus i need to be making more money!

if your doing tats by then alaina u better be good at drawing dragons ;) :D
Luke1985 said:
Tribals, Dragons
Sounds familiar :p

very nice mate.... (y)

ive been thinkin about wat i want for a while.... 2 dragons, with their head facing away from each other on my shoulder blades, meeting in the middle of my back, and twisting together down to just above my waist line, where their tails go opposite ways and reach around my waist, if anyone can see wat i mean about that and can draw.... sort it out :D
JjPhoenix said:
yeah mine killed my left arm went numb i was half-steppng around for the rest of the day was really scared of knocking it, hang on i have a pic somewhere....

View attachment 11430

if im no allowed 2 put that on here sum1 slap me

Well a bleeding nipple makes a change from lactating breasts. It never fails to amaze me what gets discussed in here.
I have two piercings, left ear and a nose piercing.

I used to have three piercings in my left ear and one in my right..The right was only temporary, as I was used as a guinea pig for one of the girls in a jewellers shop I worked in many years ago. She'd never pierced anyones ears and needed to practice before being let loose on the customers, so I offered myself :D Got a free piercing!

After I had it done I didn't like the look of it. Made me look like Luke or Matt Goss, which was NOT cool for a 17 year old back in the 80's! So I took it out...

Had two others in my left ear that I did myself. I still had some of the piercing studs from when I worked in the above jewellers, but no piercing gun. However, a good push with a pair of pliers soon got them through :eek:

But I go them a bit wonky so I took them out after about a year. :p

No plans for any more, and I'm quite happy with the two I have. Must confess I have though about pierced nipples... ;) But I'm more likely to get a tattoo than another piercing.
ive always wanted piercings but after i took my niece for her ears done i suddenly went of them :yuck:

a mcdonalds wouldnt even shut her up :( , i felt so bad i had to have a flurry to cheer myself up :eek:
I have had in the past:
four in my left ear, six in my right
two in my left eyebrow
two in my belly button (one top, one bottom)
two in each nipple (one down, one across in each)

Due to various growings out/ rippings out I now have all the ones in my ears, the two belly button ones and one in my left nipple. I keep meaning to get the rest redone but never quite got around to it :(
Helz said:
I have had in the past:
four in my left ear, six in my right
two in my left eyebrow
two in my belly button (one top, one bottom)
two in each nipple (one down, one across in each)

Due to various growings out/ rippings out I now have all the ones in my ears, the two belly button ones and one in my left nipple. I keep meaning to get the rest redone but never quite got around to it :(

that lot sounds painful!
nice tats n piercings so far folks, liking the ideas.

Mase, i was thinking of something similar to your dragons down the spine, just not having the tails wrapped around my waist, both in black, one just the outline....

im now looking to have a tribal design over my right shoulder going into a celtic / tribal band on my right arm, and up and over my shoulder down the top of my chest and onto to top of my left arm. maybe with something under it.. not sure yet???

as for piercings, a cuff on my ear, half way up in silver and my nipple are both planned. was never 100% sure about them, but i think wtf, you only get one chance if you dont like em take em out :slayer: :D

just gotta tone up a bit first, not quite the way i used to be, i got lazy :eek:
Andy_sx said:
nice tats n piercings so far folks, liking the ideas.

Mase, i was thinking of something similar to your dragons down the spine, just not having the tails wrapped around my waist, both in black, one just the outline....

im now looking to have a tribal design over my right shoulder going into a celtic / tribal band on my right arm, and up and over my shoulder down the top of my chest and onto to top of my left arm. maybe with something under it.. not sure yet???

as for piercings, a cuff on my ear, half way up in silver and my nipple are both planned. was never 100% sure about them, but i think wtf, you only get one chance if you dont like em take em out :slayer: :D

just gotta tone up a bit first, not quite the way i used to be, i got lazy :eek:

just to make you feel better, My nipple hurt about 900,000,000,000,000 more than my tongue did! ear dnt hurt at all tho
Trancendental said:
After reading all of this as its developed and seeing what I thought was a pireced Clit but was really a nipple (thanks Jj :p) and with my dislike of penetrating needles....

I'm not going to get a piercing :p

:eek: whyever not after my stunning photo :D dont quitet know how u mistook it for a clit tho!
stilosportings parking thread bin closed :cry: oops :rolleyes:
I was considering getting getting Mae Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau tattooed down my back, but the cost kinda put me off :eek: