Interesting discussion!

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Interesting discussion!

dave said:
not if i have to wash it, too much effort :) :)
:yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:
If smoking is such a big problem financially for the NHS and society, then how come cigarettes haven't been banned. Possibly because they make a lot of tax from cigarettes and also exports are quite high so good for the economy.

Personally I don't smoke and have never even tried it, but as long as you don't smoke near me I don't mind. Apparently smoking is a stress relief for some people, so if they give up then the NHS might have an even greater burden treating stress induced illness.

Just to highlight how stupid the goverment can be when it is deciding what is good and what isn't good for us. We visited a dairy farm yesterday to see and feed the calves and apparently the goverment is considering banning any farms from allowing kids to touch animals in case they (the kids that is) catch a disease from them. The odds of catching something are really remote as long as you wash your hands, but at 16 (legally) the same kids can buy cigarettes.

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And before anybody has a go about farms being cruel, they are free range animals who get the best care. They are in better conditions with better care than if they were in the wild. The opportunity to see and feed the animals teaches children to respect them as well.
No I dont think smokers should pay more for healthcare...and even if we did, they would just use that money to buy a stone!!!
poggy said:
Apparently smoking is a stress relief for some people, so if they give up then the NHS might have an even greater burden treating stress induced illness.

If you are a "proper" smoker and you haven't had a fag for say, 3 hours, your body starts withdrawal symptoms, only slight mind. This includes a secretion of hormone that makes you more prone to stress. Now when the smoker has that cigarette this hormone vanishes, and the body rewards the smoker with dopamine, the bodies natural feel good drug.
This would cause the smoker to feel that cigarette smoking does give stress relief, however if he/she gave up completely, the stress levels would be lower anyway :D