Ban smoking in cars ...

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Ban smoking in cars ...

where i live at uni is near a rather bad estate and the nearest co op is right in the middle of it. saying no can be a rather interesting experience
I see no reason to just not ban tobacco like they ban cannabis or heroin. There is no justifyable need for smoking tobacco It has no health or social benifit it doesn't support an industry like alcohol does, all it does is damage the health of those who partake.

Forget lung cancer! I work in Heath care these days having put engineering behind me and I promis you cancer is the least of your worries.

as a smoker if you do develop lung cancer and die quickly then you are one of the lucky ones because other conditions like COPD take much longer to kill you and are a truly horrific way to die and unlike cancer you are almost guaranteed to get it.
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Can't compare smoking to drinking(alcohol), no such thing as "secondhand drinking", unless you plan to force a pint or two down the throats of none drinkers, plus tip a couple over their heads.

I used to travel a lot for work. We used the term "secondhand drink" to indicate that you were stuck on a plane next to a drunk person who wouldn't shut up. :)

It's true, they realised a few year ago the cost on the NHS was greater than the income off tax

Proof please!

According to the British Heart Foundation, smoking costs the NHS £5 billion a year (

According to the Tobacco Manufacturing Association (, the UK govt collected £10 billion a year for the year indicated in the article above. And if you doubt the figures, feel free to have them confirmed by [email protected].

So until I see otherwise, the govt is making some serious coin from smokers. Way more than it spends on them.

Hug a smoker people, they're saving you a fortune in taxes. ;)
I know a few people are saying why not just ban smoking completely, and aside from jnoiles arguement that it's actually a money spinner, consider prohibition in the the US - criminal organisations running the production and distribution of alcohol at inflated prices, with god (who?) knows what kind of impurities, pretty much the same as you get with any illegal drug. Legalise them and let the government control them and not only will the quality improve but it'll bring more income rather than costing the country to police and the associated healthcare costs. But sure, ban smoking if you like, see how long it lasts ...
Have we had cases of kids taking their parents to court for them being subjected to second hand smoke all their lives?

Going back to the revenue raked in by HMgovt from smokers & how much smoking costs the NHS - do we truly believe that the additional £5bn actually goes into the NHS? I very much doubt it.
do we truly believe that the additional £5bn actually goes into the NHS? I very much doubt it.

Not for a second. It goes into one big bucket to be pissed up against whatever fashionable cause du jour is going to get the government re-elected.