100m Mosque in London

Currently reading:
100m Mosque in London

Irish? Gosh all you lot want to do is fight and kill each other, you better send 2 limbs there and a few toes to France :) Bloody French, Napoleon, what a f-ing loon, all Frenchies are like him you know?

*just incase somebody reads this without realising, it's an attempt at satire and absolute BS.

Don't belive you! :mad:

My mummy is speaking at the Polish Embassy on Friday, i'll get her to pass on the message that they need to shut up shop and leave...
hasnt this been a lovely conversation, oh and i havent been painting any corners? now why would i want to paint a corner...

theres one final thing i`d like to bring to this discussion and thats

Getting back to the point....

i don't mind a mosque being built but it shouldn't be such a huge landmark as they seem to want it to be. London St Pauls has a history and should remain as the dominant religous landmark. but then maybe i'm biased.

by the way did someone mention a film called american history? was it a short film by any chance???
hasnt this been a lovely conversation, oh and i havent been painting any corners? now why would i want to paint a corner...

theres one final thing i`d like to bring to this discussion and thats


How deluded, yet again, I will point out you drive a Japanese car and display a Japanese flag on your profile, a great symbol of white power...