100m Mosque in London

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100m Mosque in London

never use to be..."the good ole`days" so i get told by the guy at work who`s 65 and served in the navy for 8 years.

never used to be a Christian one either at 1 time, things change people move around our planet and take their beliefs with them, there be people building christian churches now in countries that never had them in the old days;)
thats a lot of money for a bomb factory...

thats about as ignorant and stupid a comment i've seen all year...

never use to be..."the good ole`days" so i get told by the guy at work who`s 65 and served in the navy for 8 years.

are those the same "good ole days" before the spanish brought their version of christianity to the new world? in a particularly nasty way? how about the fast forwarding to the golden age of exploration through the polynesian islands and pacific rim? the native peoples of those lands were happy to give up the ways of thousands of years for the inavders religion...

perhaps another way of looking at this is.....a community that has been here for decades, has asked if, using their own money, they can take a derelict toxic waste ground, and make something of use.....does it scare you so much that you are forced into writing the comment above?

perhaps the other religions "invading" this stoutly christian land need to be repelled too jay? how about the hindus? the jews? buddhists? all of them, why make one bogeyman, when you can have an army?
Jai, the problem is that the current few living generations get confused since things are happening so quickly and typically they believe the "status quo" we have currently has happened for ever, it's ignorance, pure and simple. Previously ignorance was ignored since such people didn't have a way of getting attention, with the internet (etc.) it's not so true. As I said before, my choice would be to have none of it but considering that won't happen, all religions should be able to go where they want since all have good and bad elements...
things change people move around our planet and take their beliefs with them

well they seem to all move here as far as i can tell when driving down the road..

yeah thats the spirit. repell them all... :rolleyes: purify the lands...

scared of what?
im not scared of anything to do with "them"

im not scared to say what people are already thinking and are too scared to say so because they`ll get classed as being racist like so many do all too easily now a days over the smallest of matters..
im not scared of anything to do with "them"

im not scared to say what people are already thinking and are too scared to say so because they`ll get classed as being racist like so many do all too easily now a days over the smallest of matters..

And what gives you the right to think that anybody is different or better than you? You're being purely ignorance thereby stupid, should you be excluded from the country for that? No. Why should people be stopped from going where they want for a little reason like their culture, skin colour and religion? We still put up with one of the most bizarre religions in the world and don't deport Christians, why should it be any different for other religions?
im not scared to say what people are already thinking and are too scared to say so because they`ll get classed as being racist like so many do all too easily now a days over the smallest of matters..

ok, so we are talking terrorism, religion based...right? that means every hindu is out too, after all a the vast majority of deaths of white british colonial settlers during the years leading to independence in india were at the hands of the religious majority....why let time ease that pain?

jay, you got a belief? then say it, show some balls and actually say what you mean...... what are other people thinking? every asian male is a muslim? and therefore a terrorist? mcveigh was white, a christian

you know, the negotiator has pointed something out to me, that i have just realised, you dont actually know what you are saying, single lines, soundbites, no back up, no thought, you are really that stupid and ignorant
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I'm sure there are plenty better things to spend £100m on.

But there were plenty things better I could have spent £200 on other than a remap.

This is being payed for by the people that want it so what is the real problem here.
If it were to be a terrorist training camp it would get shut down. Anybody who doesn't think MI6 or whoever won't be keeping a close eye on it is deluding themselves. But that doesn't mean it will. Something so big wouldn't be able to hide it for long so surely it is just going to be a place where muslims can practice their faith and people who don't can learn more about it.

People have the right to exercise their religion wherever they are whatever it is aslong as it doesn't harm others, so again I ask whats the problem?
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people arguing about religion again.. just abolish it all.. its all lies and causes wars, hatred and pain. end of day though if they fund it, they can build it as long as its not out of tax payers money which doesnt seem to do much anyway apart from feed gordon browns pie obsession.
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You know I could justify that comment though!
I don't care, you are only justifying it because of your views, doesn't mean to say you are right or wrong. It won't sway my own views to become a non-believer because of YOUR justification :p Religion, whether for it, or against it, is a personal matter.

What I don't like is the extremists in any faith, who demand that their faith is the RIGHT one, and all others are fake.
And what gives you the right to think that anybody is different or better than you? You're being purely ignorance thereby stupid, should you be excluded from the country for that? No. Why should people be stopped from going where they want for a little reason like their culture, skin colour and religion? We still put up with one of the most bizarre religions in the world and don't deport Christians, why should it be any different for other religions?

thats nice of you to say so..but sadly it means sod all to me because i dont really care. what wrong with their own countries? why not go to france, spain america for example? do they not let them in? not flood into britain like the plague. we must look like a right peach, come to britain where you can get a house, benefits and live better than some people already living here for years..
thats nice of you to say so..but sadly it means sod all to me because i dont really care. what wrong with their own countries? why not go to france, spain america for example? do they not let them in? not flood into britain like the plague. we must look like a right peach, come to britain where you can get a house, benefits and live better than some people already living here for years..

something this country has done for hundreds of years, long before america said

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

this country did, and continues to offer a refuge, as befits a nation that led the world for nearly 200 odd years, it's not perfect, but the alternative? your way?