Welcome to FIAT Forum v3!

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Welcome to FIAT Forum v3!

Yes, let's call it v3 as back in 2012 we had v2 - and yes, it's been that long since any major update!

Everything is different now, but as same as I could do it so you don't all get lost :)

Some parts have been renamed, such as:

Downloads > Resources
Events > Calendar
Gallery > Media

But rest assured it's just a name change, ALL the data has been imported (I made sure of that and my goodness I never want to do that again!)

There are lots of new things to explore, to be honest I haven't found everything yet so do have a play and let me know if you find any issues or anything missing so I can get right on it.

One of the big ones is that browser push notifications are now supported, so if you're browsing on a mobile you can allow the forum to send you updates - no need for emails each time :)

Current Issues/Tasks:
Search is rubbish, I need to get ElasticSearch installed on the server to solve that.
Gallery images have all been moved, so old links are broken. Working on a redirect script as we speak.
Classifieds need prefixes for existing ads, again, needs an import script so I'm on the case.
Members motors needs converting to the new format, it's useable now so don't worry about that - but it will change in the next week or so.
Links to guides and downloads at top of relevant forum
Thanks reaction missing
Remove number from forum urls
Make stickies more obvious
Show details under avatar on postbits
Login using SSO (Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter)

But please do let me know what you think and if there's anything else I can do!


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My settings on old forum just automatically took me to the Ducato section. How do I reset this forum to do so please?
Oops. Just closed and reopened the site and I was taken to Ducato section, so non-issue. Sorry. One other point. New unread posts used to show on page when forum opens. Now, it goes to the first page in the section, rather than the last. No great prob but not as good.
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Now, it goes to the first page in the section, rather than the last.
Sorry I don't quite understand what you mean. You mean clicking a thread doesn't take you to the first unread post in it?

If that's what you mean, it will happen going forward, but older thread "unread markers" didn't convert 👍
Hi Under my avatar circle it used to say Donated. Now it says I paid change me.:confused:
Hi, you can change it to whatever you like as a someone who has donated, I wrote how to do it here:
Hi, you can change it to whatever you like as a someone who has donated, I wrote how to do it here:
Thank you for that.:) It's easy when you know how. (y)
Sorry I don't quite understand what you mean. You mean clicking a thread doesn't take you to the first unread post in it?

If that's what you mean, it will happen going forward, but older thread "unread markers" didn't convert 👍
Seems to be working normally now. Thanks Ben.
Could you link me to an example? It looks like the import mashed something up!
Pete, you just click on the thread title and it should automatically take you to the newest reply.
For me that works IF there is a new unread post on the thread. But if all posts are read it goes to the start of the thread.

I've just tested it again on this thread as I hadn't read your post it went straight to it. I then went back and clicked on the thread title again and it went to the start of the thread instead. 🤷‍♂️

I'm using Chrome on Windows (if it makes a difference).
Ok so this seems to be the behavior:

Thread has unread posts = bold. Clicking title will go to first unread

Thread has no unread posts = not bold. Clicking title goes to first post.

To get to the last post, instead of clicking the title, click the date.


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Previously i used to follow a drop down to the Ducato section. I noticed talk on starting on/at a particular page but not how.
I also have noticed different behaviour depending on OS
Android 10 (Samsung tablet) Opera logs in automaticaly as previous
Windows 10 Opera does not log in automaticaly as previous even though remember details ticked
Linux Slacko7 Opera does not log in automaticaly as previous even though remember details ticked
The last 2 require login each time.