University Vs. Relationship

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University Vs. Relationship

hayleys a lovely girl, all the guys at the ace say so when she turns up, of course she may well contiune to do so after you've gone off to uni, and i'm sure she'll be well looked after in your absence....

oh hang on, that doesn't really help does it......:p
hayleys a lovely girl, all the guys at the ace say so when she turns up, of course she may well contiune to do so after you've gone off to uni, and i'm sure she'll be well looked after in your absence....

oh hang on, that doesn't really help does it......:p

your not very good at this are you...:p
I have been with my Zoe for nearly 3 and a half years now since I first met her at my time at Plymouth University.

Between us we have been driving between Hampshire and Oxfordshire or 90 miles to you and me in this time sometimes further.

If its the same for you then the determination comes form within, if the person in quesiton is special enough to you.

We've been through a lot of doubt form others, but if you believe then it will work and the people who doubt also look stupid!

So many people have said to me 'I don't know how you do it' but, if it means that much its easy.

She even drives a Sei like me now! Supports all my actions and ambitions in life. What more can I want!
University is a very complex time for most relationships, long distance or not. The temptation of locals and near-permanent presence of alcohol in some shape or form has proven irresistable to some of my friends (and ex girlfriend) in serious relationships.

However if you're both happy and both really like eachother regardless of geographical challenges then I don't see why any problems should arise. Yes, it'll be hard, but if you both trust eachother and are honest then I wish you both the best of luck.
However if you're both happy and both really like eachother regardless of geographical challenges then I don't see why any problems should arise. Yes, it'll be hard, but if you both trust eachother and are honest then I wish you both the best of luck.


Id forgo the webcam until after youve moved in, as most work/uni firewalls are very restrictive and wont let video content easily. Test the water after you get there rather than charging in assuming it's gonna work.
I had a year of living near Chester with a girlfriend living in London (south of the river :eek:). I went there most weekends - a 460 mile round trip. It was no problem. :) (It was later that was the problem :p)

Youre my problem :p

Actually me and H have a longish distance relationship - 1.5 hours/90 miles apart. Case of seeing eachother every weekend and this seems to have worked. Well I am now moving in with him so no doubt we will kill eachother.

It should work if you are prepared to make the effort. Take turns at weekends of doing the travelling to one another. I am sure it will work out fine if its meant to be :)

i'm so excited about uni!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gonna put my Final decision though tommorrow :D

You can make it work if you both want it to work,

My partner and I have been together for 3.5years now, she lives in Derby, I live in Scotland, 265miles apart, we managed that for the last few years, but now she's moved to uni in wales (now about 267miles apart, figure that one out!). We're both now continuing on through uni, but talk constantly (every night and morning). If you make the effort and save theres no reason why you can't visit a hell of a lot. Petrol for me is only £60 in total for the return trip, yes its a lot that could be spent elsewhere, but theres no-where I'd rather see it spent.

I just went to the uni nearest my boyfriend. Seemed like the best comprimise.
i have friends who have made it work easily, its so easy to find time to go home and about 5 months of the year is holidays anyway.

my relationship didnt work and we wer only half an hour away from eachother, but i know if i was with the right person who would make an effort distance wouldnt matter it all.

I think its just a case of if ur actually willing to make time for the person you wanna be with