University Vs. Relationship

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University Vs. Relationship

Oct 21, 2005
Hopefully going off to university this year, in Bournemouth (2 and a half hours drive away) i'm also in a relationship with "The Corsa Owner" (Hayley) and have been happily for over a year, i was just wondering, has anyone else had to go off to uni a long way from their loved one?

how did you cope, what happened? Has your relationship suffered majorly?

Thanks (n)

Rob and i managed it and we are now married with a 18 month old son. He just drove down to Sheffield every weekend to visit me for a year and a half, as i couldn't drive at the time.

It will test your relationship and you will ask is it worth it, but if you can manage to sort out visiting each other you should be fine, plus ring each other all the time when possible.
Mate, summit tells me you two will be fine :) you just give me that impression when i see you together.

This is somthing i'm gonna have to face soon. My Harriet is off to uni for 3 years but we don't know where yet or anything :(
It can't be impossible to keep a good relationship going, it just takes determination of both parties.
i think you'll be ok :)
Boyfriend was in the gulf for 6 months, we could only write to each other and phone maybe once a week.

we are getting married on 3 weeks so stick at it!
Same happened to me. I was with bloke for 18 months before I moved to Aberdeen (450 milesfrom home) for Uni. Yes it was hard, there were arguments but he ended up moving to be with me and that was much easier. I wish I could say we had a happy ending but we're better off apart than together :eek:
It doesnt really matter if you're at a near of far university, uni in general will put ALOT of strain on the relationship :( I only live about 10 miles from caz, but still only really get to see her friday evenings and saturday evenings due to having so much uni work. Its not so bad for the first 2 years, but the final year is immense.

As long as you both are happy to sacrafice time together for a while then its not so bad. Its not a permanent arrangement and in the grand scheme of things, 3 years isnt long. Trust me when i say the time flies! Just prepare for the odd arguement about it, kiss n makeup (when your home:p) and all will be fine :)
distance makes the heart grow stronger.
there's less chance of her catching you with a fresher in your bed
she'll be biking about while you arent there.

take your pick. (you know you want a fresher) :D

the 3rd most important part of uni is sharing bodily fluids with strangers so it would be a shame to miss out.

the final year is immense
well put (y)
I think the universal point: "If you love each other you'll make it work!" is useful here.

I've got the same problem this year but me and my girlfriend talked it out and i'm going to uni, she understands its important and won't stand in my way, and in return I will constantly phone / visit her.

But like I said, if its supposed to work out it will no matter how far apart you get.
Don't worry, if Hayley wants someone to keep her company while you're away, I'm sure she'll get plenty of offers! :devil:

I had a year of living near Chester with a girlfriend living in London (south of the river :eek:). I went there most weekends - a 460 mile round trip. It was no problem. :) (It was later that was the problem :p)
You'll be fine - at least it isn't a trans Atlantic relationship, like my mate.
It worked out fine - they've been married 2 years :)
As others have said, if the relationship is strong it will survive and you will get through it.

You've got msn and the phone, so you'll be in constant contact i'm sure. We spent most evenings on the phone for at least 2 hours, also various texts during the day and a lunchtime phone call, plus msn when we're both at our pc's.

Just remember to keep each other informed of what's happening and what you're doing, to make sure that they still feel part of your life.

It makes you appreciate the time that you spend together and look forward to when you see each other next.

We've only got another 5 months to go :D
i know your feeling owen! my gf is off to uni in september and im bricking it! ive got so used to been able to see her all the time its going to be weird! change is always testing on a relationship but if you mean so much to each other you will deal with it!
I was in this position for the last two years me being at uni and frank being at home. we were having quite a few problems at the time i went away as well :( we had a fair few arguements along the way but now 3 years into my course and we are living together and engaged :D stick with it!!
If you believe in what you have you'll make it work for that reason alone.

Its not easy....but do your best, set yourself up for it (eg: flexible phone tariffs etc), and it should work.

I have 5 months (2-3 of which Im anticipating will be insanely stressful) left of my 4 year stint at uni left...and its not been an easy 12 months...
If you believe in what you have you'll make it work for that reason alone.

Its not easy....but do your best, set yourself up for it (eg: flexible phone tariffs etc), and it should work.

I have 5 months (2-3 of which Im anticipating will be insanely stressful) left of my 4 year stint at uni left...and its not been an easy 12 months...

Well i'm planning a high quality webcam/microphone combination.. together with Skype obvioulsy along side normal phone calls.

i dont know how we are going to work driving... every weekend... every 2 weeks?
how do you find time between work and socialising. no offence to Hayley, obviously i want to see her as much as i can, but i also want to socialise with new friends at Uni.