Speeding up load times

Currently reading:
Speeding up load times

Trying a few tricks to get the forum pages loading up faster.

First thing I've done is split up all the elements of the site to be loaded from different (cookie-less) sub-domains.

You'll notice things loading from *.fiatcdn.com - which * can be:

i - Images
a - Avatar Images
s - Signature Images
c - Script (JS/CSS)

By splitting these up, it will allow the browser to download them in parallel, so should load things up a bit quicker.

Once it's all tested for a bit, we'll then look at moving them onto a real CDN - so they will be distributed to you from the closest server, rather than always coming from the US :)

Do let me know if anything is broken though - the moving of scripts could fudge things up a bit!