Royal Wedding: Prince William to marry Kate Middleton

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Royal Wedding: Prince William to marry Kate Middleton

Oh, are you tucked up in bed with a hot choc and a pipe by the time they're on? :p
I'm sure there is something better on
You forgot the slippers. All things that shouldn't be underestimated.

dont you like iggle piggle? :eek:
Loved him when he was with The Stooges.

Is that the kid that was left alone in a hotel room and caused herself a mischief, and then the parents pretended she had been kidnapped to cover it up?
If you have information that would help prove that, maybe you should contact the Portugese Police. While you're entitled to your opinion, I think stating the above on a public forum could be considered as slanderous.


My opinion is that they gave her too much sedation and she didn't wake back up :eek:.
I think two experienced Doctors (wasn't one of them an anaethatist) could manage to successfully sedate a small compliant child.
No doctor can know 100% exactly how it effects a child. It effects everyone differently. Especially children.

The amount of times I've been to the dentist and never believed me I was in pain because the anaestetic wears off within a couple of minutes on me.
Even during root canal! That was the most pain I have EVER been in!
anyone else think the children in need appeal lost a bit of publicity because of all this wedding crap?

Is it possible for them to have any less publicity? Heard nothing about it, makes me not watch it just because it pisses me off lol.
Please note that all previous instances of the above statement are legally replaced by the one in this post.
Ah, excellent. I feel sure a glittering career as a Red Top Editor in Chief awaits you. Alternatively perhaps a vacancy as a political Spin Doctor beckons.