Multipla Blaupunkt Headunit Steering Wheel Remote Control

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Multipla Blaupunkt Headunit Steering Wheel Remote Control

Jun 20, 2009
Hi, there. I have a query about the standard Blaupunkt headunit in an '03 Multi.
Has anyone tried a Blaupunkt RC10 steering wheel remote control attachment? This
is the one where a button unit attaches to the steering wheel and beams
infra-red instructions to a little receiver that is placed on the dash behind
the wheel. This receiver then plugs directly into the back of the stereo. Does
it work with the Fiat headunit?
The stereo is a clone of the Acapulco RDM 168 and 3 other units (see the manual
under "Stuff" on the "other" Multipla forum) and these are compatible with the RC10 (the manual lists rc08, but Blaupunkt replaced this with the RC10 and is fully compatible).

Cheers, Pete.
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