General Insurance Scam?

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General Insurance Scam?

My apologies, I clearly misunderstood.

Lets say that it is not part of a scam, but i'm not sure if it can't be considered a "deliberate attempt to cause an accident"...I seen many very nervous drivers but they always end breaking a bit. He completely stopped the car, I believe even the ABS went off.

Yes, she was very close to it and accelerating to keep parallel with the focus. She could have waited, he had a curb to his left!

Driving test would have been failed. You need to not get so caught up on what people should do, doesn't mean they have to.

Tbh with the body language your car is giving off in the video I'd have probably done the same. The focus is showing no aggression before you try and push it into the curb.
Yes, she was very close to it and accelerating to keep parallel with the focus. She could have waited, he had a curb to his left!

Driving test would have been failed. You need to not get so caught up on what people should do, doesn't mean they have to.

Tbh with the body language your car is giving off in the video I'd have probably done the same. The focus is showing no aggression before you try and push it into the curb.

you would have done the same he did? sorry i didn't get it right maybe...
there are 2 lanes, becoming 1...according to the code it is recommended to merge in turns.

Do you see how much space she left for the bus? Do you call that push your way in?

Guys, next time we will stop in the middle and way for all Londoners to come before to move. :worship:
Recommended, but not LAW :)

IMO from the streetview thing, it's his lane and it was the lane to the right of your car which was ending.
My take one things


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Ok...we were wrong, totally wrong. So, what you are suggesting me is that putting your car in front of another, breaking (like he did) and eventually causing an accident is completely reasonable if someone merge the wrong way...
It seems to be a free for all after the traffic lights - three into two with no priorities and no clarity as to which lane ends.

It is somewhat of a free for all, but my take on things is that unless indicated, it's the lane on the right which ends and you should drive accordingly.

Posession is 9/10 of the law anyway and the person that gets their car in there first is inevitably the victor. Sean Connery's epic line from The Rock springs to mind "Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and **** the prom queen" or in this case get out of their car and have a shout at an old man who did nothing illegal :)

I had a guy in a while van trying to push in front of me and I just didn't look at him and gave him no room to get in front, he tried to make it look like he was going to hit me so I'd stop, but I just kept on going and the queue of traffic behind didn't let him in either :) Dark glasses and the appearance of not giving two hoots tends to help :)
ok, next time no horn. In the UK can cause people to freak out.
Let's be honest, he was a cork, at worst your wife made an honest mistake and was under the impression he'd cut her off, at which point she beeped and he jammed on the brakes and could have caused a fender bender (entirely his fault).

Sometimes with corks it's best to leave them to float along on their way :)
Let's be honest, he was a cork, at worst your wife made an honest mistake and was under the impression he'd cut her off, at which point she beeped and he jammed on the brakes and could have caused a fender bender (entirely his fault).

Sometimes with corks it's best to leave them to float along on their way :)

I totally agree (and i'm not sarcastic). We would have had a better morning just ignoring him.
54 posts and counting on this!!!
Just wait until I let you know about me getting cut up at a junction....that has to be a 100 post topic.
dont look like scam, looks like road rage because you kept right up the arse of the bus so he couldnt push in.

and you can absolutely say the opposite, he kept hi car behind the bus...

again: does this JUSTIFY causing a pile-up on a busy road????

apparently the majority of the forum this it does.

I will remove the video.
I think we are just saying that you started the thread by suggesting that this was an insurance scam, potentially going to the police with it, whereas what has come out is that it is more like "six of one and half a dozen of the other" as my mother would say.
I think we are just saying that you started the thread by suggesting that this was an insurance scam, potentially going to the police with it, whereas what has come out is that it is more like "six of one and half a dozen of the other" as my mother would say.

The fact is that I come from a country where this kind of behaviour (doing something absolutely stupid and dangerous, not merging the wrong way) become the standard. I though the UK was different.

We all agree about the fact it is not a scam, but nobody (except myself) though that reactions like the one from the old guy can cause serious accidents (imagine if I had a bike behind my car). Someone said also that "he would have done the same"...hilarious
The fact is that I come from a country where this kind of behaviour (doing something absolutely stupid and dangerous, not merging the wrong way) become the standard. I though the UK was different.

Welcome to the UK. Full of arseholes like everywhere else in the world, and many of them drive cars. The guy who braked hard in front of you was indeed an arsehole. He could have caused carnage behind him.
I have been you, and I have been him. My wife hates being in the car as a passenger when I am driving. I end up always being wrong:confused: