Technical Hood rubbers dilemma

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Technical Hood rubbers dilemma

Dec 3, 2007
Yeovil, Somerset
My car has water underneath the floor and it looks like water is running through the glass, down through the door and somehow into the car. The solution is to replace the drivers side rubbers. Prices are £64.14, £134.14 and £51.73 - so a total of £250 ex VAT.

I don't feel I have any choice because I have to look after the B but I don't have the money to spare either. I know these rubbers have been discussed before but can they be found cheaper?

Anyone would think they were Ferrari rubbers :(
it's a loot of €€ for rubbers... here's mine solution, it's not perfect, it's not beautiful, it's not 100% water protected... but...

loot at the hole in second picture... little dog can go through...
Nicholas I'm not sure that by what you say the side rubbers are the problem. OK they won't be helping but if the water is comming from the bottom of the door their may be other issues. Drain holes on the doors will ensure that any water getting into the door is forced to drip on the outside of the kick plate a couple of inches from the door rubber. So I would say there is more chance of the water comming in at the top joinwhere the back of the dor meets the rear wing. Or the water is getting into the door rubber from the tonneau cover rubber?
I can sympathise! I drove home with a wet bum yesterday. The drivers seat was soaking wet and I guess it must have come through the top of the door but there is no sign of a gap or any wet up there.

I've also got water coming into the soft top storage area again and have had a bath towel in there to soak it up and stop it migrating to under the carpet for the last week!

If I get chance and the weather allows I'm going to wash the car at the weekend and make sure all the rubbers and around the inside of the doors are clean, and then I'll get some vasaline round the tonneau seals. Hopefully this will help!

Thanks guys. I will check out what Alan suggested. I have ordered new rubbers from as the vaseline trick is no longer working. They didn't have the centre rubber though. Does anyone know where I can source this part?
I had water pouring into the car and I couldn't find where from.

Stripped all the trim out and put it through a carwash to find the leaks..

Water was coming in from the pax side behind the door where the hood meets the tonneau cover seal. On mine the bottom seal wasn't flat so the roof seal didn't..

Wouldn't have been cured by new rubbers. It needed the tonneau seal refitting. I also borrowed a mastic gun and did a job around the inside of the seals. carful because mastic is a sod to get off if you overpump it...
Thanks. I agree that it probably isn't just the rubbers. A towel that was sitting in the tonneau compartment was damp. I think it needs a number of rubbers and seals sorting out.

Al mentioned water draining out a hole in the door. Quite a lot comes out on the drivers side. I may post a pic. I have to combat this problem as the B smells a little damp to me.
The wet in the tonneau compartment will be the cover rubber, If that rubber is broken lots of water will get into the rubber itself and will channel into the door rubber, which maybe why your getting water past the door.

At the top of the door the tonneau rubber slides into the door rubber, can it be moved for the time being directing the water elsewhere?

I do hope this makes sense....
The wet in the tonneau compartment will be the cover rubber, If that rubber is broken lots of water will get into the rubber itself and will channel into the door rubber, which maybe why your getting water past the door.

At the top of the door the tonneau rubber slides into the door rubber, can it be moved for the time being directing the water elsewhere?

I do hope this makes sense....

Thanks Al (y) This is quite a help. When I next get some daylight time in the dry, I will take a better look. I gave some new rubbers on order so hopefully I will combat this.
Got rubbers on order for drivers side now and hopefully a tonneau cover rubber too. Its dark after work so can't look at the problem yet. Poor B hasn't even had a wash.

My girlfriend is at home now as she's too pregnant to go anywhere. I would leave the B with her but she wont drive it. Might be a bit much to get her on cleaning duty :D
Got rubbers on order for drivers side now and hopefully a tonneau cover rubber too. Its dark after work so can't look at the problem yet. Poor B hasn't even had a wash.

My girlfriend is at home now as she's too pregnant to go anywhere. I would leave the B with her but she wont drive it. Might be a bit much to get her on cleaning duty :D

Depends, if she goes overdue getting her to give the b a good wash might move things along - of course there are more pleasurable ways of moving proceedings along, er-hum - or so I am told :rolleyes:
It has been a while since I removed hood rubbers but I thought it would be easy enough. Just remove the little screws and gently slide them off. I had a day off work yesterday and time before my trip to Babies R Us, so I went out to the B to get started. Unless I am being stupid (and this could be the case), it looks as if the man who fitted my hood has riveted the rubbers on instead of using the screws. I have shown a picture of what I mean.

Can anyone give me an idea of where I have gone wrong or what I can do next? If he really riveted the rubbers on I will be really mad.

Picture 1
My new goodies have arrived! Rubbers for the drivers side and a rubber for the tonneau compartment.

Picture 2
Is that a rivet I can see? I am sure small screws used to be there. Could anyone really be that stupid or is it me?


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It's a rivet, you'll have fun drilling them out and then finding a fat enough screw to refit the new rubbers. I envy you though, I keep on asking Father Christmas for new rubbers but so far no luck, not even the Durex kind.
who put rivets there? or anywhere else... i hate them. those little pain makers devils.