Good News - Insurance

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Good News - Insurance



Direct Line have now introduced a system where named drivers not just the policy holder will also get No Claim Discount.

This is ideal for those driving on mummy or daddies insurance.

All you need do is get afew years no claim discount, then take a year out on your own after you have two or three years discount under your dads name, then move onto other insurers if/when cheaper.

Advert and the website when you go on it.

I would have posted it too, thought they had been doing it for ages...


will anyone accept the no claims discount or just direct line?

Sounds like a bonus for the drivers but not sure whats in it for the insurance companies!
there are several companies out their doing schemes that mean you get stuck using them. this sounds like one of them!

like the super accelerated no-claims bonus scheme. i think its a 9 months policy, but only they accept it as a full year no claims. other insurance companies wont believe it...

Buzz (formerly LightWarrior)
The champion of the Bravo 1.4
Owner of the Bravo 1.8

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Well i thought they had been doing it for ages, but i guess they havent.


No claims perks for named drivers
Press Association
Saturday January 7, 2006 2:14 AM

Insurer Direct Line has said all drivers named on one of its car insurance policies would be able to build up a no claims discount in their own right.

Previously only the main holder of a policy has been able to build up one of the discounts, with so-called named drivers not qualifying for one when they take out an individual policy, regardless of whether or not they have ever made a claim.

Direct Line claims it is the only insurer to enable these drivers to build up their own no claims discount, and this is not affected if the principal policyholder makes a claim.

The move could save about 18 million drivers who are currently insured on someone else's policy hundreds of pounds if they decide to take out cover in their own name, as a maximum no claims discount can knock 70% off annual premiums.

All new named drivers on a Direct Line policy can start building up one of the discounts, and existing ones can backdate it to a maximum of five years.

Emma Holyer, motor spokesperson at Direct Line, said: "No other insurer recognises named drivers in this way.

"This is major step forward for those 18 million motorists who have been paying over the odds for their insurance.

"We don't think it is fair that named drivers who have experience behind the wheel cannot benefit from their safe driving experience."


Since Nov 2005 as far as i remember. Direct Line are the only insurance company to offer this. I assume the no claims are valid with all insurers. Even if its not, get a policy out later when you've built some no claims on your dads policy and take one year out with Direct Line, this should then make it offical and you can then pass the no claims over.

I bet other insurers will follow.

Man I thought I misheard that ad but glad to hear i'm not the only person who saw it!
Two things spring to mind:

1) "Are you the main driver of the vehicle" - so if your dad takes out the policy with you as a named driver but it's your car and he's not driving it most then it's still invalid as he's not the main driver.

2) So some bloke, let's call him Jeff, has a daughter who turns 17 and passes her test but has no intention of getting a car or driving can put her on his policy for his own car for an extra £20. Then 4 years later, even though she's not driven a car AT ALL since passing her test will be entitled to 4 years NCB.

Don't think this will last too long.

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