EDL Not Racst?

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EDL Not Racst?

Killing animals for food is never going to be pretty.

If people really have such a problem with animal cruelty then it's time to turn veggie. Anything else is a half-hearted attempt to appease your conscience..........or to find more fault in ethnic groups they don't really care for :rolleyes:
It is an absolute offence to cause or permit an animal avoidable excitement, pain or suffering. There are also specific rules on handling, stunning, slaughter or killing of animals. In particular:​
  • anyone carrying out any of these tasks must have the knowledge and skill to do their job humanely and efficiently;
  • slaughtermen must be competent and hold a Registered Licence;
  • in every slaughterhouse a competent person must be given authority to take action to safeguard welfare; and
  • only permitted methods may be used to stun or kill animals.

"humanely and efficiently"
If we have to eat meat then it should be done in the most humane and efficient way possible, not in some barbaric ritual.
Killing animals for food is never going to be pretty.

If people really have such a problem with animal cruelty then it's time to turn veggie. Anything else is a half-hearted attempt to appease your conscience..........or to find more fault in ethnic groups they don't really care for :rolleyes:

where's the thanks button
I'm always amazed how quickly some idiots drag race into everything and need to hide behind the "Race Card" instead of just facing up to the facts.

Ok, am I missing something? I though the entire thread was about "race" (not that Muslim is actually a race). And your point was that Muslims specifically use cruel methods in their production of meat.

My argument was that meat production is inherently cruel and race (or faith) has nothing to do with it. The only reason we need farcical animal welfare laws in abatoirs is to assuage our very British guilt about being nasty to anything fluffy.

But if you want to twist my words then be my guest :rolleyes:
I feel physically sick after watching that video.

It just shows you what "Islamism" is doing to the world though.

Look how much those poor cows are suffering... it actually made me teary eyed at some points. Shooting it in the head, killing it instantly is the most humane way to kill it, not letting it know whats coming.

Do you see what I mean though? It's really, really hard to find meat that isn't "halal". Next time you buy some beef or whatever, think about what happened to the owner of that meat... would you rather it fell to the ground instantly, or had time to panic it's little mind mental about the fact its dying very slowly?
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or to find more fault in ethnic groups they don't really care for

Your words dont need twisting, the meaning was plain enough.

My point was this method is barbaric and cruel and should not be allowed here in the UK, If New Zealand can produce Halal meat without it so can we. Jews also use the same barbaric method of slaughter but most now agree that the method is outdated and stunning the animals first is much more humaine and agreeable to the general public.

Can you imagine the reply from the general public if they had asked for a public vote back in 1995, should what you see in this video be allowed in the UK? Now you know why the government did it behind our backs.

The reason we have animal welfare is to stop the ill treatment of animals. Yes we kill them for food but thats no reason to cause them more pain and suffering than is absolutely necessary.
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It just shows you what "Islamism" is doing to the world though.

This is not a method of slaughter unique to Islam.

In the UK our national welfare standards are incredibly strict compared to other nations. If you were to visit rural communities in most of mainland Europe you'd find slaughter methods closer to those used in the Islamic world.

This is not an issue of race or faith, it's an issue of national sentimentality.
so is what's done to most of the animals you eat cruel,

I eat mainly poultry and fish at home as I'm not a lover of red meat. Killing any animal is cruel but due to the fact I'm a meat eater its a necessity. I choose my meat carefully avoiding Halal meat when ever possible.

Why? Do you hate the French too? :eek:

I dont hate anyone but convincing you of that is a little difficult. However if I had to choose then it would be the French, they make crap cars too.
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I dont hate anyone but convincing you of that is a little difficult. However if I had to choose then it would be the French, they make crap cars too.

I don't actually think you're racist, but that would be a lot more obvious if you didn't use lines like "They're not interested in intergration, most are two faced, saying one thing to your face, the media and the authorities, when in reality they do the exact opposite."

That's a shocking generalisation and certainly not representative of the Muslims I know.
I guess you dont come into contact with many muslims, if you did I'm sure your veiws on integration would change. Try spending a day in Smethwick, Tipton, Dudley, Walsall, Darlaston, Wolverhampton, West Brom, infact most towns and cities here in the black country and you'll find huge areas where asians live. They simply do not integrate, I'm not being racist I'm just stating a fact.

Sikhs and Hindus around here have integrated perfectly so why cant muslims.

I used to live next door to a Sikh, his missus made the best samosa's and curries I've ever had. We're still very good friends, he meets up with us in our local pub and puts us all to shame, god that man can drink.

I live about 500 yards from a big Guru Nanak temple, the Sikhs there are wonderfull people, nothing like the muslims that push into you and spit everywhere.

I know I shouldn't tar them all with the same brush but there's thousands around here and I've never met a nice one. :(
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