Technical Droplinks and Warranty

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Technical Droplinks and Warranty


Mar 13, 2012
Hi all.

Does any one know if or has any one had droplinks replaced under the 3rd year dealer warranty?

Hi all.

Does any one know if or has any one had droplinks replaced under the 3rd year dealer warranty?


Good luck, it doesn't appear to be worth the paper its written on. They are cheap enough parts though and easy to change so its not a disaster if your claim is denied.
Yeah, ive changed em loads of times so i know how easy they are to do. Its in for its service at fiat tomorrow so going to see if they will do em under warranty. Ive always thought the dealer warranty was ok cos two week after geting the car they replaced both strut top mounts for free and sorted the drain pipe so it wasnt drippin water on to the brake servo. My opinion mite av changed by tomorrow though, lol, fingers crossed!
Top mounts were covered. It doesnt really say anything about suspension components in the service/warranty booklet. I thought that the dealer warranty didnt include any wear n tear items, brakes, wheel bearings ect and to me droplinks arent really a wear and tear item.
A quick update for any one wanting to know. Im having both drop links and a coil spring replaced all under the 3rd year dealer warranty, i pick the car up tomorrow because they couldnt get the droplinks today. I suppose its up to the garage at the end of the day but some can be ok!
A quick update for any one wanting to know. Im having both drop links and a coil spring replaced all under the 3rd year dealer warranty, i pick the car up tomorrow because they couldnt get the droplinks today. I suppose its up to the garage at the end of the day but some can be ok!
Can I ask what symptoms are you having with your droplinks and spring?
I would describe it as a knocking rattle from the front, i could feel it through the floor and was only when going over the crumbled and uneven roads we have in the uk.

I had an idea the arb/droplinks were at fault from past experience but it was a surprise when i found out i had a broken spring because i didnt get the symptoms id expect from a broken spring, drifting, banging on one corner ect.
I would describe it as a knocking rattle from the front, i could feel it through the floor and was only when going over the crumbled and uneven roads we have in the uk.

I had an idea the arb/droplinks were at fault from past experience but it was a surprise when i found out i had a broken spring because i didnt get the symptoms id expect from a broken spring, drifting, banging on one corner ect.

That will be the Yorkshire potholes then....

springs on the punto are fairly long and take a bit of compressing to get them onto the stut so its no real surprise you didnt notice it