General cinqs on motorways

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General cinqs on motorways


New member
Mar 25, 2007

My boyfriend recommends that I dont go on motorways for long journeys when I get my cinq sporting, but its only a 1.1 theres loads of other 1.1s out there that do?

What do you cinq owners think?
He speaks complete rubbish, ok maybe not the most comfy motorway cruiser but more than capable of the job, not even worth worrying about.. Will blast along all day long at 80mph no problems at all

PS. where abouts in hampshire are you? i live in wiltshre so just down road really
Utter rubbish.. if its in good nick and well serviced, get flying.. I had a Cinq Sporting new when they first came out.. it loves to be driven hard and loved to sit at 80 mph all day... My mum thought I was mad when she used to have a lift in it.. but when she bought it off me she found it loved to go everywhere at 80 and it wasnt just my driving...
I trounced a mate who was driving his Mondeo on the way to the NEC up the M6, there was 3 in his and 4 adults n the Cinq.. 100mph in the outside lane...
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good, because one of the things I want to do is go visit my mum who lives in lancashire (im in basingstoke).... so deffinetly motorway....
I've got an 899cc and that will comfortably cruise at 65mph and can be pushed harder

I often do a 40+ mile journey in the SX and to be honest it is so comfy and reliable that I would not think twice of popping down to Sussex to see my brother in it.
They are sound aslong as you dont push them to hard for to long! I think it was bushboy who blew his head gasket doing above a ton in his cinq on the motorway for a long time!
I've got an 899cc and that will comfortably cruise at 65mph and can be pushed harder

I often do a 40+ mile journey in the SX and to be honest it is so comfy and reliable that I would not think twice of popping down to Sussex to see my brother in it.

Our 899cc gets 80mph steady for 300-400 miles a week on the motorways and doesnt miss a beat :)
:eek: Trounced better???

Yeah the 900 SX I had would sit at 75/80 but was hard work compared to the Sporting and was a bit of a dissapointment really.. but it was economical and reliable and did the job it was bought for......
I know a '99 Sei' that does 700 miles in 24h twice inside 10 days every 2 months, most of that is at autoroute speed limits, and it's been doing it for 6 years now. From what I know it's needed nothing more than routine maintenance.
I trounced a mate who was driving his Mondeo on the way to the NEC up the M6, there was 3 in his and 4 adults n the Cinq.. 100mph in the outside lane...

Either he wasnt trying or his mondeo is due for a service because 100mph in a cinq with 4 adults in it and beating a mondeo sounds a bit of a dream
I agree with most of the above, especially the comment about making sure your coolant is healthy.

Another tip if you don't happen to know the maintainance history of the car is to definately make sure you have breakdown cover, after all a cinq will have been getting on a bit & may have been thrashed during its lifetime but this is all only a maintainance thing - they happily manage 100 on the clock for decent lengths of time (on a private road of course!!! ;-p)
Nope totally true but it was a poxy 1.6 Mundano... Did get the drop on him up the slip road and he may have bottled it when he didnt think he was catching me.. but he reckoned he wasnt able to keep up...

Reminds me of the time when working in Germany.. I had a hire Ka :mad: and the boss had a TD ZX and couldnt keep up.. turned round to me when we got to the destination and said angrily "I dont know what you have done to that car, I was doing 180kmh and I couldnt keep up"... he was a complete dick though!!!:bang:

3 important things when driving with limited power....
1.. Momentum
2.. Momentum
3.. Momentum.....;)