Technical Blue&Me update 2024

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Technical Blue&Me update 2024


New member
May 1, 2024
Hello, i just got Fiat Grande Punto 2009 and i want to update Blue&Me to the leastest version supported by this car. There are many files on this forum, v10 is the newest version i saw. I have change language on my current Blue&Me i know basics and everything except volume works fine, the volume is not the same as radio volume, instead of that Blue&Me has predefined volume much higher than i want, i saw that the update can fix it. After bad installation it might not work, so i have some questions just in case.
1. Is the v10 version compatible with Grande Punto or maybe there is any newer version?
2. Why on all tutorials the are two files: system and configuration, will i need this second file? Where can i get it?
3. Instrustion says that the version 10 cannot bt placen on first version, how can i check what is my version?
4. Instruction in this version is only in english, can i change the language like in previous versions?
It is highly likely with an 09 car (depending on when it was made) that the car was built in 2008. That being said I think that either way V10 would not work on your car.

Also you cannot upgrade the Blue and me systems anymore as this was reliant on the blue and me website which would put files on a memory stick to check and get data from your car first so that the website knew what to add to the memory stick for the update. Making an effectively bespoke file for every car it updated.

There are some who claim to know someone who can manipulate the system to get it to update, but I've not seen any proof of this being done, and it would at best be a time consuming and expensive thing to have done.

You would be far better off in 2024 binning the Blue and Me system entirely and looking at one of the numerous replacement/aftermarket radios and replace what is currently in the car with something more modern.

There are many that are designed to fit the Grande dash and look like an OEM radio but with significantly improved functionality. IE on any blue and me system you cannot stream music via Bluetooth to the radio. on older blue and me systems you cannot use iPhone or iPod without a special adaptor. and the most modern phones from apple or from Samsung are not recognised either, when it comes connectivity.

at this point there has not been any new updates to the underlying technology either hardware or software for about 13/14 years.