where else can i have a war......

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where else can i have a war......

Aug 4, 2004
let's see, this war on terror is flagging a little, afghanistan is off the front page, iraq is but for the wrong reason, what little support is falling away with every passing day and bodybag that comes home....i need a good obvious enemy...hmmmmm, and not too far away from where all my forces are already.....hang on, whats this...iran has a nuclear programme, and they are bad mouthing the UN? well hell boys, get tony on the phone, see how many he can spare. and lets break out the 2006 weapons catalogue, it's gonna be a big one, yee haaaaaaa!!!

thats exactly whats going through that monkey faced demons head....
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Odd though how Iran needs nuclear power - one might have thought that they would use oil.

Mind you, we're talking about creating new reactors here aren't we - not setting the right example. We should go wind power - Iran can build all the wind turbines they like, no harm in those.
:eek: Sorry I don't watch the news or read news papers too often, it's all a little too depressing lately, but this does sound rather alarming :eek:
Are they seriously thinking of doing another Iraq :eek:
moogs said:
Odd though how Iran needs nuclear power - one might have thought that they would use oil.

Mind you, we're talking about creating new reactors here aren't we - not setting the right example. We should go wind power - Iran can build all the wind turbines they like, no harm in those.

They are entitled to power their country however they choose but why insist on producing weapons grade plutonium when the Russians are offering low grade for power making purposes.
moogs said:
Odd though how Iran needs nuclear power - one might have thought that they would use oil.

Mind you, we're talking about creating new reactors here aren't we - not setting the right example. We should go wind power - Iran can build all the wind turbines they like, no harm in those.

Not a very windy place Iran is it?......how bout solar powered(y)
This is a right headache for the UN/Bush/Blair/etc though. They have a choice of allowing an unstable country run by religious fanatics (who have even admitted to links with terrorist organisations) to develop nuclear weapons (and they WILL develop weapons, Iran is one country that's not short of fossil fuel supplies... ), or risk losing a significant quantity of oil imports. My view is that under no circumstance should Iran be allowed to get hold of nuclear weapons. It's bad enough that nukes exist at all, but in the hands of such an unstable regime it could spell something approaching a nuclear holocaust. :(
The problems in the middle east could be sorted very quickly the yanks have developed a bomb that has the same distructive power as the biggest newclear bombs and this new generation of bombs leave no radioactive fall out about a dozen should do the job quickly and then
we can all live in piece SORTED

Anybody want to buy their own private beach there will be plenty apply to G. Bush estate agents c/o the white house USA
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Iran has mountains by the, oh dozens, bet it gets a breeze up there :)
Hate the way we refuse to embrace wind power here. Bloody nimbys reckoning they're ugly, anyway that's another thread I'm sure.

Watching PM's question time today there was only one question directly relating to Iran and that was a bit wishy washy.
gaz_wrexham said:
seeing the accuracy of the yanks missiles i can only hope they wipe out france :woot: :p

Not even the yanks could miss a target as big as the middle east and just think of all the oil possibly lost :woot: milk floats for everyone then :D
It might make good TV but it's bloody expensive! A lot of it ends up being outside of prime time too.