Panda (Wanted) Panda fire drive shafts

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Sorry I can't help

You have to be careful with drive shafts

There not all the same

Panda is fitted with at least 4

1.1 and 1.2
1.2 4x4
1.3 4x4

Not sure about the 100HP seem to remember it's the same as the 1.3D

The lengths are different and the number splines

Standard 1.1 and 1.2 are by far the most common

There is a PDF on the Internet somewhere. Lists the splines and length, probably used elsewhere in the fiat range
Thanks at least I know it’s 1.1 or 1.2 version I require is it possible to buy them new?
Thanks at least I know it’s 1.1 or 1.2 version I require is it possible to buy them new?
Yes loads on ebay

Most around £70-80 including postage

This guy is just an example, sold a few with good feed back

Probable not as good as the OEM ones though

Second hand OEM around £25-35 including postage

Couldn't see any listed at GSF or euro car parts

Rarely go on the panda so any local beakers would be glad to sell you one
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