They Just Can't Leave It Alone!!

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They Just Can't Leave It Alone!!


New member
Jan 12, 2012
The front of the new Fiat 500 is fantastic looking.... Unfortunately the dealership can't leave it alone! They butchered it by drilling in holes to the plastic for their "promo plate"/license plate bracket and now I'm trying to fix it.

Any good tips? I'm supposing a Dremel would work to de-burr and polish and then a simple body filler followed by touch up paint.....
I think the point here is there is no requirement in the united states in many states to have a front registration/licence plate.

The dealership have by the sounds of it fitted a promotional plate, I would question as every car in Europe pretty much does have a front plate was the fiat 500 bumpers made with the holes already in place, either way if you have to fill the hole then what you've proposed sounds reasonable just don't expect a very good finish with touch up paint
I think the point here is there is no requirement in the united states in many states to have a front registration/licence plate.

I guess I should have prefaced with that fact. I live in Pennsylvania, a state that does not require a front plate. Maryland is a few miles away, a state that requires a front plate. They have many buyers from PA but they still mutilate the front of the car with that stupid plate bracketing when they KNOW they don't have to for some of the buyers. It's especially irritating with sports cars.

You're right, the touch up paint is really not working, so I'm thinking of decals or stickers now.
If its a new car it might be worth biting the bullet and getting the work done by a local body shop especially if you want to keep the retail value of the car, do you have any 'smart repair' type places nearby ?
I was informed of a local body shop mixes paints custom for a relatively cheap price.... I think I may try that. It may be for naught however, I have been told it's just a matter of time until every car has to have a front plate, law enforcement now has those new scanners now, even in PA, that "auto-read" the license plate and it has been expressed that a front plate would be "highly desireable now because of the new technology".

Oh well......