
Grande Punto My Fiat Grande Punto 1.2.


Last Week I Purchased My Fiat Grande Punto 1.2 I Get It On Tuesday, This Is My 1st Fiat I Have Bought And Seen As Im Young I Want To Make A Few Improvements To My Car. As You Can See Its All Basic On The Outside But Has The Fiat Stripes On.

Does Anybody Know If Its Possibly To Put Spots On A Fiat That Hasn't Got Them On? Cheers

Things I Want To Do
- Alloys
- Put Spots In If Possible
- Lowered
- Debadge The Front + Change The Grilles

If Anybody Has Got Any Ideas Of What I Can Do To The Car Then Feel Free To Let Me Know.
Re: My Fiat Grande Punto 1.2

Oh I see, that's not too bad is it a simple job to change the steering wheel over? Won't it muck up my airbag? Or is it just a cover? I'm dumb with this sort of stuff :(
Re: My Fiat Grande Punto 1.2

Lmao that would be me typically forget to do that and then BAM airbag goes off in my face. I'm still looking into doing my boot build but just ain't ha the chance to even measure my boot
Re: My Fiat Grande Punto 1.2

Yeah I've seen a build that I like on here but I'm not going to copy it im just going to take some of the ideas :) I'm still unsure whether to put 6x9's into a stealth shelf or not it's actually hard deciding what to do lol
Re: My Fiat Grande Punto 1.2

personally i wouldnt, my brother in law works for an audio company thats done most of the car audio security cars and he always persuades his customers from doing that as it distorts the sound of the sub or something
if you want something thats just loud then go 6x9's but if you want quality spend more money on the door speakers or a good amp (y)
Re: My Fiat Grande Punto 1.2

Yeah that's handy to know, I've got vibe speakers in my car just had them fitted and there decent for the price I payed for them but I'm looking at getting two subs and a good amp, just gotta get the measurements for my boot so I can get the mdf and start building it, im always at work so I never get time to do anything to my car anymore it annoys me so much. You got any plans for yours apart from getting the original fiat alloys?
Re: My Fiat Grande Punto 1.2

youve been done! ;) mine was £1600 fully comp :) but have mum, dad and sister on the policy :)
mines insurance group 10, polos 13 so with a years no claims (touch wood) it shouldnt be too much, have to wait and see :) may end up keeping it for another year
Re: My Fiat Grande Punto 1.2

Yeah tell me about it well and truly done but I've found a quote for 1900 but the only problem is no females in my family drive so that's why my insurance is so expensive :( I want a new car and I've only had this car for like 6 months lol
Re: My Fiat Grande Punto 1.2

nah your alright i wont send them to you seen as i want some ;) haha i see everybody with them now so i want to get some and get them painted white :) ive only had my car like 6 months and im already looking to sell it im bored of only have a 1.2 :(