West Midlands Midlands FIAT group inaugural lunch

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West Midlands Midlands FIAT group inaugural lunch

Midlands FIAT group inaugural lunch
Posted by homeward
Pizza Hut Coventry Arena
Sunday, March 3, 2013 - 12:00 AM
Until: Sunday, March 3, 2013 - 03:00 AM
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates
Sounds more exotic, and if an Alfa wanted to join i'd be more than happy. Regardless of the likely hood of them ever joining in, i think Italia has a nicer ring to it than Fiat. :rolleyes:
And we couldn't have done it without your help... -- so a big, big thank you! Some great photos, too! (Can you post the classic Panda one, please, in this thread? Ta!) :worship:

Yes please Wisey - classic Panda folk like pics of Panda's. Most of them don't get out of the classic Panda section much, so it might encourage more to come along next time. ;)

Pro drive sounds like a great idea by the way! (y)
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I would prefer Midlands Fiat rather than Italia, what's the likely hood of other Italian makes wanting to join? About 0 I would say.

I would be more than happy to see some Delta and Ypsillon drivers join us,:cool:

we didn't dicuss the groups name,
but we did discuss Alfa's AND Lancias up our end of the table..:p

I think we sort of settled on Midlands Italia....

Hopefully get another one off the ground for two or three month's time... -- probably after Brooklands.... :rolleyes:

I would prefer Midlands Fiat rather than Italia, what's the likely hood of other Italian makes wanting to join? About 0 I would say.

Sounds more exotic, and if an Alfa wanted to join i'd be more than happy. Regardless of the likely hood of them ever joining in, i think Italia has a nicer ring to it than Fiat. :rolleyes:

Okay. I've made an executive decision -- after much consideration and pondering; a long walk along the river Avon; and then a bottle of Black Sheep Ale, late last night.... :yum:

Although I totally understand (and concur with) scout500's desire (and reasoning...) to get the word "FIAT" in the title, he seems to be the only visible dissenter. Also, we have something of a precedent, m'lud, in that our Eastern and Yorkshire colleagues have chosen the same descriptor.... :cool:

So... -- drumroll, please... -- although I don't think this will come as much of a surprise to anyone... -- let's call ourselves... Midlands Italia.... (y)

Whens the next one :confused:

Quick and easy answer to this one! See this thread.... :)

Finally: has anyone out there any design skills...? Petento volunteered his help designing a logo, many moons back: and I'd really like to get one put together; and then think about getting some car stickers produced.... Please let me know -- either by PM, or posting a message here. Ta! :cool:
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Weheyyy loving the name man! :D I'm good with graphic design, so if you have any ideas on a logo then PM me or reply to me whatever is easiest:)

Could M I be incorporated instead of F I A T in one of these?


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